The Tao of the creation & manifestation of wealth and success

Jun 08, 2023

The Tao of Living a Life of Successful Manifestation Practices


Welcome back to The Healing Source podcast, a transformative journey into the teachings of the Tao for creating a life of abundance and success. In this session, we delve deeper into the nature of creation and reverse creation, gaining profound insights into how this understanding can enhance our manifestation abilities and lead us to a life of prosperity.

Season Overview

Throughout this podcast series, we have explored essential topics related to financial and business success. In the first season, we delved into the root causes of financial challenges, uncovering the reasons behind inconsistent financial blessings and a lack of abundance. The second season focused on daily spiritual practices to transform our financial and business outcomes. These practices were not merely conventional accounting methods but spiritual tools that could significantly shift our financial manifestations.

The Wisdom of Creation and Reverse Creation

Today's topic, the Tao of creation and reverse creation, originates from the wisdom shared by Dr. and Master Sha, an esteemed teacher of the Tao. The fundamental concept at the heart of creation is the Tao, representing the Source from which everything in the universe arises. It is essential to understand that the Tao is not a belief system or a religion; rather, it symbolizes the vastness of the Source.

In the normal creation cycle, the progression moves from Tao to Heaven and Earth, and finally to all things, including human beings. The journey begins with the concept of Wu World, the emptiness and nothingness from which all manifest existence arises. From this emptiness, there emerges Qing Chi, the clean chi that rises to create Heaven, and Shuan Chi, the dirty chi that falls to create Earth. Together, Heaven and Earth represent the duality and balance of the physical world.

As the cycle continues, it leads to the number three, symbolizing all things, including human beings. This stage signifies the manifestation of diverse forms of life on Earth, including the human experience. It is important to recognize that this normal creation cycle is an ongoing process that weaves through time and space.

The Path of Reverse Creation

Conversely, the reverse creation cycle marks the return to oneness, the ultimate destination for all beings. In this cycle, the journey moves from three to two, and finally back to one. The aim is to elevate our frequency and vibration, moving towards a state of higher unconditional love and service.

At present, humanity and the entire universe are beginning the process of the in-breath, the return to Source. This return to oneness signifies the elevation of human frequency, aligning with the unconditional love and service exhibited by Mother Earth. Mother Earth serves countless life forms, unconditionally providing support and sustenance. Her actions exemplify the higher frequency and vibration that is achievable through unconditional service.

The Illusion of Time and Space

One of the primary challenges that hinder our ability to manifest instantaneously is the perception of time and space. In our third-dimensional existence, time and space appear to govern the manifestation process, creating a sense of delay between our desires and their realization.

To overcome this limitation, we must embrace emptiness and stillness. Creation occurs in the void, the space beyond the constructs of time and space. The Tao wisdom reveals that enlightened beings and immortals operate beyond the confines of time and space, experiencing stillness and oneness.

Raising Frequency and Vibration

To facilitate the reverse creation cycle and elevate our frequency, we must cultivate specific qualities in our lives. These qualities include love, forgiveness, compassion, light, humility, harmony, gratitude, flourishing, and service. By embodying these qualities, we raise our frequency and vibration, thereby shortening the manifestation cycle.

The more we let go of limiting beliefs, judgments, and criticisms, the closer we move towards embracing our true nature. Our thoughts and emotions radiate frequencies that attract corresponding experiences and opportunities into our lives. Thus, our ability to manifest is profoundly influenced by the energy we emit.

The Power of Language and Mindset

Our choice of words and the way we frame our thoughts play a significant role in the manifestation process. Affirmations and positive self-talk have the power to align us with our desires, whereas negative language can reinforce limiting beliefs and impede our progress.

For instance, using affirmations like "Money is attracted to me" shifts the focus from actively chasing money to allowing abundance to naturally flow towards us. By adopting this mindset, we release resistance and open ourselves to greater opportunities for success and prosperity.

The Journey of Letting Go

The path to becoming powerful creators and manifestors requires letting go of old beliefs and constructs that hinder our progress. It involves shedding the burden of past experiences, grudges, and resentments. The teachings of Dr. and Master Sha emphasize forgiveness, compassion, and love as transformative tools to release negative energy and elevate our frequency.

By realizing that every individual's belief system is ideal for their personal growth, we free ourselves from judgment and open our hearts to unconditional love and acceptance. This process aligns us with the natural flow of creation and manifestation.


In conclusion, the wisdom of the Tao offers profound insights into the creation and manifestation of abundance and success. Understanding the cycles of creation and reverse creation empowers us to navigate our lives with intention and purpose.

Embracing emptiness and stillness allows us to transcend the illusion of time and space, unlocking the power of instant manifestation. By raising our frequency through love, forgiveness, and compassion, we accelerate the process of attracting prosperity and abundance.

Letting go of limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns liberates us from the shackles of the past, empowering us to become powerful creators of our reality. As we continue on this journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth, we align ourselves with the flow of the universe and the abundance it holds.

Final Thoughts

The Tao of Living a Life of Successful Manifestation Practices invites us to embrace our innate power as creators and manifestors. By cultivating qualities of love, forgiveness, and compassion, we embark on a journey of spiritual evolution and self-mastery.

Remember, the key to successful manifestation lies in raising our frequency and vibration through unconditional love and service. Embrace the teachings of Dr. and Master Sha, let go of limiting beliefs, and harness the power of your thoughts and words to create the life you desire.

As we continue on this path of conscious creation, may we walk hand in hand with the Source, embodying the wisdom of the Tao in every aspect of our lives.


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