Embracing Ten Da: The Power of Love & Transformation

Aug 24, 2023

Embracing the Ten Greatest Qualities in Life: The Ten Da

Welcome, everyone, to The Healing Source podcast. I'm Paul Fletcher, and today marks the beginning of an exciting new series—the Ten Da. Over the next ten episodes, we will explore the ten greatest qualities that define a fulfilling life. These qualities, originating from the teachings of my revered teacher, Dr. and Master Ji Gong Sha, offer profound wisdom received through divine spiritual guidance. Join me on this transformative journey as we delve into the power of love, forgiveness, compassion, enlightenment, and more.

The Source of the Ten Da

Dr. and Master Sha, an accomplished Western and Eastern medicine doctor, has dedicated his life to facilitating extraordinary healing for thousands of individuals. He humbly acknowledges that these ten qualities are not of his own creation but are gifts from the source. Guided by a deep connection with divine wisdom, Master Sha aims to serve humanity and uplift consciousness, transcending dogmas and doctrines.

Unveiling the Ten Da Qualities

1. Da Ai - The Greatest Love: Love is a universal force that has the power to dissolve all blockages. By embodying love in our thoughts, words, and actions, we not only transform ourselves but also positively impact those around us.

2. Da Kuan Shu - The Greatest Forgiveness: Forgiveness liberates us from the burden of resentment and allows us to embrace compassion and understanding. Through forgiveness, we make space for healing and harmony in our lives.

3. Da' Ci Bei - The Greatest Compassion: Compassion is the ability to empathize with others and show kindness. By cultivating compassion, we cultivate a deep connection with all beings and contribute to a more harmonious world.

4. Da Guang Ming - The Greatest Light: Light represents wisdom, clarity, and enlightenment. When we embrace the greatest light, we gain insight into the true nature of existence and align ourselves with higher consciousness.

5. Da Qian Bei - The Greatest Humility: Humility fosters a deep sense of gratitude and openness. By recognizing our own limitations and acknowledging the contributions of others, we create space for growth and harmony.

6. Da He Xie - The Greatest Harmony: Harmony is the state of balance and unity within ourselves and with the world around us. When we strive for harmony, we cultivate peace, cooperation, and interconnectedness.

7. Da Chang Sheng - The Greatest Flourishing: Flourishing encompasses vibrant health, abundance, and success. When we embody the greatest flourishing, we align ourselves with the limitless possibilities of the universe.

8. Da Gan En - The Greatest Gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful practice that cultivates appreciation for all aspects of life. By expressing gratitude, we attract more blessings and deepen our connection with the source.

9. Da Fu Wu - The Greatest Service: Service is an act of selflessness that benefits others. By embracing the greatest service, we contribute to the well-being of humanity and create a positive ripple effect in the world.

10. Da Yuan Man - The Greatest Enlightenment: Enlightenment represents the ultimate spiritual realization and awakening. When we embrace the greatest enlightenment, we tap into our innate divinity and connect with the infinite wisdom of the source.

Embodying the Ten Da Qualities

Each of these ten qualities holds immense transformative power. By incorporating them into our daily lives, we create a ripple effect of positive change. When we infuse love, forgiveness, compassion, and light into our thoughts, words, and actions, we not only enhance our own well-being but also radiate positivity to those we encounter.

The Path to Transformation

To fully experience the profound impact of the Ten Da qualities, we must embody them consciously and consistently. It is not enough to merely comprehend their value; we must actively practice them. Over the course of the next ten weeks, I encourage you to focus on one quality each week, dedicating yourself to embodying it fully.

Starting with Da Ai - The Greatest Love:

For this week, let us begin with Da Ai, the greatest love. Be mindful of your thoughts, ensuring they are filled with love for yourself and others. Pay attention to your words, choosing expressions that carry love and positivity. Finally, let your actions be guided by love, even in challenging situations. By consciously practicing the greatest love, you will witness a profound shift in your life and relationships.

Da Ai - The Greatest Love:
Love is the foundation of all existence, a universal force that transcends boundaries and connects us at the deepest level. Da Ai, the greatest love, is a transformative quality that has the power to heal, uplift, and bring profound joy to our lives. When we embody Da Ai, we become conduits of divine love, radiating its essence to all beings we encounter.

At its core, Da Ai teaches us to embrace love in every aspect of our lives. It starts with self-love, as we recognize our inherent worthiness and treat ourselves with kindness and compassion. By nurturing a deep love and acceptance for ourselves, we create a solid foundation for extending that love to others.
Da Ai urges us to see beyond differences and limitations, to truly understand the interconnectedness of all beings. It encourages us to practice empathy and understanding, to put ourselves in the shoes of others and respond with love, even in challenging situations. When faced with conflicts or misunderstandings, Da Ai reminds us to choose love over judgment or anger, fostering harmonious relationships and creating a ripple effect of positivity.

The practice of Da Ai extends beyond our immediate circle of family and friends. It calls us to extend our love to all beings, embracing the oneness of humanity and the interconnected web of life. By offering love unconditionally, we become catalysts for healing and transformation, uplifting the collective consciousness.
In a world often filled with division and strife, Da Ai teaches us the power of forgiveness. It encourages us to release grudges, let go of past hurts, and cultivate a heart that is open and receptive. Through forgiveness, we free ourselves from the weight of resentment and allow love to flow freely within us, creating space for healing and growth.

Da Ai reminds us that love is not just a feeling but an action. It prompts us to express love through our words and deeds, to be kind, compassionate, and supportive. Small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on others, brightening their day and reminding them of the inherent goodness in the world.
As we embody Da Ai in our lives, we become beacons of love, radiating its warmth and healing energy to all those we encounter. We inspire others to embrace love, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond our immediate sphere of influence. Da Ai teaches us that love is the ultimate power, capable of transforming lives and bringing about a more compassionate and harmonious world.

Da Ai invites us to cultivate the greatest love within ourselves and share it generously with others. It encourages us to break down barriers, practice forgiveness, and extend kindness to all beings. By embodying Da Ai, we tap into the infinite wellspring of love within us and become agents of positive change in the world. Let us embrace Da Ai and allow its transformative power to guide us on our journey towards a more loving and connected existence.



As we embark on this transformative journey through the Ten Da, remember that change begins within ourselves. By embodying the ten qualities in our thoughts, words, and actions, we create a ripple effect that reverberates throughout our lives and the world. Embrace the greatest love, forgiveness, compassion, and enlightenment, and watch as your life flourishes with joy, abundance, and fulfillment. Join me in the coming weeks as we explore each quality in depth, unlocking the keys to a truly extraordinary existence.











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