Exploring the Metal Element in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Aug 10, 2023


Exploring the Metal Element in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Exploring the Metal Element in Traditional Chinese Medicine





Aloha and welcome everybody. Thank you so much for joining me today. This is The Healing Source, and I'm excited to dive into the topic of the metal element in traditional Chinese medicine.

After taking a week off, I'm back to continue the series on the five elements. In the previous weeks, I covered the liver, fire, and earth elements. Today, we delve into the metal element, the fourth in this series, with the water element to follow next week.

As discussed in previous sessions, the elements in traditional Chinese medicine are essential for overall health. Imbalances in one element can affect others, emphasizing the importance of maintaining equilibrium. Traditional Chinese medicine's wisdom has been utilized for thousands of years, offering holistic insights compared to the relatively recent Western medicine.

Understanding Elemental Harmony

The five elements are integral to traditional Chinese medicine, functioning as a foundation for health and well-being. These elements are interconnected, and imbalances can trigger a cascade of effects across the system. Each element corresponds to specific major yin and yang paired organs, influencing one another's balance.

For instance, the wood element encompasses the liver and gallbladder, the fire element involves the heart and small intestine, while the earth element governs the spleen and stomach. Similarly, the metal element is connected to the lung and large intestine, both operating harmoniously to maintain overall health.

The Essence of the Metal Element

Contrary to literal interpretations, the five elements extend beyond their earthly representations. They embody unique characteristics present in celestial bodies, galaxies, and even our cells. The metal element, while associated with substances like metal and water, carries distinctive qualities that are woven into the fabric of the universe.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the metal element is intricately connected to the lung and large intestine. The lungs, responsible for breathing and oxygen exchange, collaborate with the large intestine in digestion and nutrient absorption. Imbalances in either can affect the other, emphasizing the holistic nature of this ancient wisdom.

Personal Insights: A Journey through the Metal Element

Allow me to share a personal experience that sheds light on the metal element's impact. In my past, I struggled with breathing issues, particularly asthma. However, I noticed a curious connection—after consuming a substantial meal, my breathing improved, my sense of smell heightened, and sinus congestion reduced.

Little did I know, these improvements were linked to the metal element. Through Tao healing wisdom, I discovered the correlation between the lungs, large intestine, and the act of eating. This insight led me to focus on the metal element's healing, resulting in significant improvements in my breathing and overall well-being.

Emotions and the Metal Element

The metal element extends beyond physicality to emotions. Grief and sadness are closely associated with this element, impacting both emotional and physical health. Unresolved emotions can create imbalances, affecting the lungs and large intestine. This emotional component highlights the intricate connection between mind, body, and the metal element.

Reflecting on my own journey, I recognized that addressing grief and sadness was pivotal for restoring my metal element's harmony. By working through these emotions, I experienced transformative shifts in my breathing and overall health, solidifying the metal element's role in holistic well-being.

Harmony from Within: Skin and Soul

The metal element's influence extends to the skin, a lesser-known connection. Skin health, often overlooked, is intertwined with the metal element's equilibrium. By nurturing the lungs, large intestine, and addressing emotional imbalances, we inadvertently promote healthy skin.

Moreover, healing sounds play a crucial role in restoring harmony. By tracing a Dao calligraphy symbol associated with the metal element, we harness the power of sound to bring balance at a cellular level. This practice further solidifies the mind-body connection inherent in traditional Chinese medicine.

Empowerment Through Ancient Wisdom

Understanding the metal element's wisdom empowers us to take charge of our health. By integrating traditional Chinese medicine's insights, we gain a holistic perspective on well-being. Seeking guidance from practitioners well-versed in these teachings, we can embark on transformative journeys similar to my own.

Ultimately, the metal element serves as a profound reminder of the intricate connections within our bodies and the universe. By nurturing our elemental balance, we embark on a path of self-discovery and healing, embracing the wisdom that has stood the test of time.


The exploration of the metal element in traditional Chinese medicine reveals a world of interconnectedness between our physical bodies, emotions, and the universe. By understanding the metal element's qualities and its influence on organs, emotions, and skin, we unlock the potential for holistic well-being.

My personal journey serves as a testament to the transformative power of embracing the metal element's wisdom. Through the fusion of Western and Eastern approaches, we can navigate the intricate terrain of emotions, physical health, and spirituality, ultimately achieving harmony.

As we conclude this exploration of the metal element, I invite you to embark on your own journey of discovery. Embrace the ancient wisdom, harmonize your elemental balance, and find empowerment in nurturing your well-being.


Metal element





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