How Does Tao Healing Work? Understanding the Power of Tao Healing

Oct 27, 2022

How Does Tao Healing Work? Understanding the Power of Tao Healing

Introduction: The Journey to Tao Healing

Today, in our third podcast episode, we will explore the fascinating world of Tao healing and delve into how this profound practice works its transformative magic. If you missed our previous episodes on "What is Tao Healing" and "Why is Tao Healing Important," no worries! We'll cover all the essentials right here. With 15 years of experience as a Tao healer, I am thrilled to share the inner workings of Tao healing and its potential to bring positive change to your life.

Section 1: Understanding Tao Healing: A Gateway to the Source

Tao healing, at its core, represents "source healing." Founded by Dr. and Master Sha, this healing modality has impacted the lives of countless individuals worldwide. Unlike other energy healing techniques, Tao healing stands out for its exceptional efficacy, particularly in remote healing scenarios. Its scope extends beyond physical healing, addressing emotional and relationship challenges as well.

Section 2: The Evolution of Tao Healing Explanations

Over time, the explanations for Tao healing have evolved, incorporating wisdom from ancient eastern philosophies like Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. Originally grounded in concepts like karma, today, Tao healing integrates both spiritual and scientific understandings to validate its effectiveness.

Section 3: Tao Science Unraveled: The Universal Law of Shen Qi Jing

Tao Science, co-founded by Dr. and Master Sha and Dr. Rulin Xiu, a brilliant physicist, provides a fresh perspective on the functioning of Tao healing. By combining spirituality and science, they have substantiated the healing's efficacy through rigorous research and mathematical equations, unveiling the "Universal Law of Shen Qi Jing," an information system.

Section 4: The Triple Dynamic: Shen, Qi, and Jing

To grasp Tao healing fully, we must comprehend the dynamic interplay of three fundamental elements: Shen (soul, heart, and mind), Qi (energy), and Jing (matter). The soul acts as the primary repository of all thoughts, words, and actions, whether positive or negative, accumulated across lifetimes.

Section 5: The Tao Healing Process: Dissolving the Root Cause

Tao healing operates by dissolving the root cause of suffering, which resides in the negative information within the soul's vibrational field. As the heart receives this information, the mind processes it and conveys it downstream to Qi, the actioner. Subsequently, energy initiates physical manifestations based on this information.

Section 6: Unveiling the Universal Law of Cause and Effect

According to the Universal Law of Shen Qi Jing, everything in life follows a cause and effect relationship. Negative information held within the soul's vibrational field may manifest as physical ailments, financial challenges, or relationship difficulties. Tao healing aims to transform this negative information by infusing it with positive source frequency and vibration.

Section 7: Tao Healing's Unique Approach: Transforming the Soul

Tao healing's unique aspect lies in its ability to directly transform the soul's vibrational field. By altering the root cause, positive messages are sent downstream to the energy level, resulting in significant shifts in various life aspects. This ability is what enables Tao healing to achieve remarkable results in as little as a 10-minute session.

Conclusion: Embrace the Power of Tao Healing

Tao healing is a profound journey of self-discovery and healing, connecting us with the source within. By understanding the Universal Law of Shen Qi Jing, we gain insight into the dynamics of this transformative process. The power to heal and transform lies within our own hands. If you seek relief from physical ailments, emotional struggles, or relationship challenges, Tao healing offers a path to alleviate suffering and unlock your limitless potential. Experience the magic of Tao healing and embark on a sacred journey of profound self-discovery and healing.

Visit My Website, Wellspring of Light

Visit my website,  to learn more about Tao healing, receive a private consultation, and explore the empowering programs available. I am here to serve you and guide you on your path to healing and transformation. Join me for the next episode, and until then, have an awesome day!




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