How to Develop Divine Flow Channeling Abilities

May 22, 2024


How to Develop Divine Flow Channeling Abilities

How to Develop Divine Flow Channeling Abilities

Welcome everybody. I am running just a little bit late today, but what you care about is that you get the meat that's on the bone for today's subject matter. And so I'm grateful to be here.

About Channeling and Divine Flow

My name is Paul Fletcher and this is The Healing Source. Today we dive a little bit deeper into the subject matter of channeling. In case you missed last week's episode, then please go back, watch last week's episode. It set the foundation for this week about what is channeling, where does it originate from, all of the little intricate details associated with it.

Connecting to the Source

Now, today we're going to go into how to develop divine flow, how to increase your own abilities specific to divine flow. And it is actually not something that can easily be covered in this short 30 minutes, because for myself, you know, I have trained in this for several years. And part of that training includes the ability to discern accuracy, the ability to be able to navigate the communication process.

So there are many pieces to this puzzle, so to speak. When I bring up the subject of divine flow or channeling, for those that may have missed last week, specifically, this means connecting to the source, connecting to the source creator, God, Allah, whatever name you wish to refer to the source as. It could also mean connecting to and receiving guided message from other benevolent beings, including, for example, our beloved Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Krishna, or other well-known beings of love and light.

Developing Your Channeling Abilities

Now, one of the keys of knowing and increasing your ability to connect to the source is this guy right here, the center of your chest, referred to as the heart chakra or in the wisdom of the Tao wisdom teachings, it's referred to as the message center.

The first time I heard that, I'm like, well, I've heard of heart chakra. I never heard of message center. And it was made clear that the reason this is called the message center is because this is where we receive messages from our soul and from the source.

When we connect to these direct messages from our soul, from our source, our heart chakra, our message center acts as the barometer through which we can discern the quality and accuracy of that message.

Embracing Source Guidance

Herein lies the problem. My goal today is to teach you how to develop divine flow or channeling abilities. And the biggest nemesis in that ability to connect is our heart chakra, our heart center.

And I don't mean nemesis in that our heart center is a nemesis. I mean that the blockages that we acquire through this and all lifetimes acts as a nemesis in our ability to have pure and accurate communication. So it's very, very important for you when you're listening to somebody that claims to be a channel, you need to listen, not with your head, but with your heart.

Enhancing Your Connection

One key aspect of channeling is the soul language channel, which serves as a direct connection to the source. By chanting specific mantras and practicing soul language, you can enhance the purity of your channels and improve the quality of messages received.

Trust in the Divine Messages

Developing your channeling abilities requires daily practice and dedication. By starting your day with gratitude practices and seeking guidance from the source, you can align yourself with the divine flow and receive valuable insights for your journey.

Remember, channeling is a journey of trust, patience, and connection. Stay open to the messages that come through, and allow yourself to be guided by the wisdom of the source. As you deepen your channeling abilities, you will experience profound growth and insight on your spiritual path.

Thank you for joining us on this exploration of developing divine flow channeling abilities. Stay tuned for more insights and guidance in the upcoming sessions. Embrace the wisdom of channeling and let the divine flow guide you on your path to spiritual growth and enlightenment.

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