Tao Healing for Balancing Emotions: Unveiling the Power of Source Healing

Jul 30, 2023

Tao Healing for Balancing Emotions: Unveiling the Power of Source Healing

Hey, welcome everybody! Delighted to be with you again today on "The Healing Source" podcast. This is Paul Fletcher, and we are diving into the profound world of Tao Healing. If you missed it, the first series was all about healing the physical body. Today's episode marks the conclusion of our second series, focusing on Tao Healing for Balancing Emotions. Stay tuned, as next week, we'll begin exploring either Tao Healing for Mindset, Attitudes, and Beliefs or Tao Healing for Relationships.

Understanding the Impact of Emotions on Our Lives

Emotions are a vital aspect of our lives, shaping our relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and even our communities. They can either be positive and uplifting or negative and distressing. Tao Healing, as introduced by the revered Master and Doctor Zhi Gang Sha, illuminates the role of emotions in influencing our interactions and well-being.

Tao Healing, a form of Source healing, empowers individuals not only to receive healing but also to embark on their self-healing journey. The root cause of many problems in humanity stems from our inability to communicate with love, compassion, peace, and harmony. These imbalanced emotions impact all aspects of our life, from intimate relationships to global interactions.

The Nature of Imbalanced Emotions

Tao Healing teaches us that when we respond in ways that are contrary to love, peace, and compassion, it's because our soul carries imbalanced frequencies of specific emotions. Everyone tends to have one or two predominant emotions that color their experiences. For instance, some might predominantly experience anger, while others might grapple with persistent worry or depression.

These imbalanced emotions are imprints from past experiences, possibly even from previous lifetimes. Our thoughts, words, and actions carry a vibration that interacts with others, creating entanglements in our soul's field. Positive thoughts, words, and actions create positive entanglements, while negative ones result in imbalanced frequencies in our soul.

The Path to Healing: The Role of Forgiveness

The first step in healing imbalanced emotions is to recognize their presence in our vibration. A valuable practice is forgiveness, which involves asking for forgiveness, offering forgiveness, and forgiving ourselves for any harm we may have caused through our emotions. This act of forgiveness releases the negative information from our field, paving the way for healing and balance.

Tao Calligraphy: A Gateway to Healing Frequencies

Master Sha gifted humanity with Tao Calligraphy, a potent tool for healing. Tao Calligraphy carries pure frequencies and vibrations that connect us to the healing energy of the Source. Through tracing Tao Calligraphy while chanting, we can establish a profound connection with healing energy, cleansing our soul's field from negativity and raising our vibrational frequency.

Testimonials: The Power of Tao Healing

Let's hear from some of the guests who experienced Tao Healing during the podcast:

Ilona: "The Kuan Yin Crown Chakra Blessing was like a miracle! My fear transformed into doubt, which is more manageable. I feel like a game changer!"

Noelia: "After the Crown Chakra Blessing, my emotions stabilized, and my conflicts with roommates improved. I now feel more balanced and grounded."

Helen: "Since receiving the blessing, my grief and sadness improved significantly. I've noticed a positive shift in my energy, sleep, and overall self-care."

Embrace the Power of Positive Frequencies

To maintain emotional balance and transform imbalanced emotions, consider the following practices:

  1. Listen to Love, Peace, and Harmony: Access the song "Love, Peace, and Harmony" on lovepeaceharmony.org or download the free app. Its positive frequencies can help you stay in a positive environment consistently.

  2. Identify Emotions: Recognize and acknowledge your emotions without judgment. Understand that imbalanced emotions are on your frequency and can be transformed through forgiveness.

  3. Forgive Yourself and Others: Practice forgiveness for past negative thoughts, words, and actions that may have caused harm to others or yourself. This releases negative information from your soul's field.

  4. Seek Tao Healing: For deeper and more intensive healing, consider reaching out to a Tao healer. They can help you release imbalanced emotions and bring your soul into balance.

Join the Journey of Tao Healing

Discover the transformative power of Tao Healing and its profound impact on your emotional well-being. If you seek healing, empowerment, and balance, Tao Healing is the gateway to self-transformation. For personalized healing sessions or more information, visit wellspringoflight.com or email [email protected].


In this episode, we explored the significance of emotions in shaping our lives and relationships. Tao Healing offers a path to balancing emotions and transforming imbalanced frequencies in our soul. Through forgiveness, Tao Calligraphy, and embracing positive frequencies, we can embark on a journey of self-healing and empowerment. Testimonials from guests showcase the profound impact of Tao Healing on their emotional well-being. Join us next week as we embark on a new series, either focusing on healing mindsets, attitudes, and beliefs or relationships. Until then, embrace love, peace, and harmony!



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