Tao Healing for Physical Pain - A Journey to Wholeness

Nov 30, 2022

Tao Healing for Physical Pain - A Journey to Wholeness


Hey, aloha everybody, and welcome. Thank you for joining today's podcast. My name is Paul Fletcher, and this is the Healing Source. Today, we will be exploring the incredible power of Tao Healing in alleviating physical pain and achieving emotional and spiritual wholeness.

The Different Types of Healing with Tao Healing

In today's episode, we're going to delve into the various types of healing that Tao Healing offers. Tao Healing is not limited to just one method; it encompasses several powerful techniques to address different aspects of life. From physical pain to emotional and financial challenges, Tao Healing provides effective solutions.

Master Healer and Teacher, Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha

The founder of Tao Healing, has trained Paul Fletcher for over 13 years. Tao Healing is based on the understanding that the vibration we emanate determines the experiences we attract into our lives. Positive and negative information resides within our soul, originating from our thoughts, words, and actions.

Discovering the Root Cause of Suffering

If you find yourself suffering on any level, be it physical, emotional, or relational, Tao Healing can bring you relief. Tao Healing addresses the root cause of suffering by transforming negative information within us into positive messages, love, and light. The end result is a profound shift that manifests as less pain or even being pain-free.

Tao Healing Transmissions

During the podcast, Paul Fletcher introduces various Tao Healing transmissions that he uses to deliver healing to those in need:

1. Tao Soul Light Operation

A transmission where Paul calls the soul in front of him and opens the area of request, resulting in incredible healing.

2. Tao Hands

Paul utilizes Tao Hands, a powerful transmission that brings healing to recipients. He shares the story of a gentleman who found healing through a video offering Tao Hands healing.

3. Tao Calligraphy

Considered the most potent form of healing, Tao Calligraphy involves infusing positive frequencies and vibrations into calligraphy art to heal and rejuvenate.

A Special Healing Session

In a remarkable healing session, Paul demonstrates the combined power of Tao Song, Tao Hands, and Tao Calligraphy on a guest named Elizabeth. Elizabeth had been experiencing lower back pain after a Pilates session. Through the healing session, Elizabeth feels her body unwind and experiences energies leaving various parts of her body. She feels whole, safe, and much better after the session.

The Transformation of Pain

The podcast also discusses the transformative power of pain and how understanding its function can help us embrace the healing process. By connecting with the message pain brings, forgiving, and expanding our energy, we can facilitate our healing journey.

Tao Healing - No Boundaries of Time and Space

Tao Healing goes beyond physical limitations, operating at the level of the soul. Its efficacy is not confined by time or space, as demonstrated through remote healings and the power of healing videos.

The Benefits of Tao Healing Membership

Paul highlights the additional benefits of joining the Tao Healing Membership program. One member from Spain, who feared going outside due to balance issues, experienced significant positive changes after receiving daily healing through the program.

The Invitation to Join the Healing Journey

As the podcast concludes, Paul invites viewers to subscribe to the Healing Source and explore the free video series on his website to learn more about healing their soul and life. The series covers various topics related to Tao Healing, offering valuable insights and practices for a more fulfilling life.


Tao Healing is a path to holistic healing and spiritual growth, offering various healing transmissions that can bring relief and transformation to individuals suffering from physical and emotional pain. As the Healing Source continues its journey, viewers and listeners can look forward to more inspiring stories of healing and the potential of Tao Healing to create profound positive changes in their lives.

Join the Healing Journey

If you're ready to experience the incredible power of Tao Healing, make sure to stay tuned to future episodes of the Healing Source. It's a transformative journey that can bring you closer to wholeness and profound healing.

Thank you for joining us today. Until next time, aloha and see you soon!


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