Embracing the Wisdom of Tao Healing: A Journey to Healing Grief and Sadness

Jan 06, 2023

Embracing the Wisdom of Tao Healing: A Journey to Healing Grief and Sadness


Welcome to The Healing Source, Season Two, Episode Six! In this episode, we delve into the profound art of Tao healing and its transformative impact on healing grief and sadness. Join us as we explore the interconnectedness of emotions, physical health, and soul healing, guided by the wisdom of renowned Tao healer, Paul Fletcher.

Understanding Grief and Sadness

Most of us have experienced grief and sadness in our lives, whether due to the loss of a loved one or other life challenges. Paul explains that grief and sadness differ from depression and shares his insights gained through years of training with Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha in Tao healing.

The Metal Element and Emotional Imbalance

In traditional Chinese medicine, grief and sadness are associated with the metal element. Paul sheds light on how this imbalance can impact not only our emotions but also our lungs, large intestine, and skin health. He reveals how unresolved grief can create blockages in the Wai Jiao, hindering the smooth flow of chi.

Embracing Tao Healing for Holistic Wellness

Tao healing offers a holistic approach to healing, addressing emotions and their corresponding organs simultaneously. Through blessings, soul techniques, and transmissions, Tao healers tap into divine energy and the compassionate guidance of enlightened beings like Kuan Yin. This connection facilitates the release of negative information and revitalizes the affected areas.

Helen's Miraculous Healing Journey

Helen, a dedicated student of Tao healing, shares her remarkable journey of healing. With long-standing respiratory issues and skin irritations, she struggled with grief and sadness. Witness the transformative power of Tao healing as Helen experiences a level two Kuan Yin crown chakra blessing, clearing blockages and bringing renewed vitality.

Embracing a Path of Wellness

Paul emphasizes the significance of self-healing and embracing gratitude, compassion, and self-awareness. Tao healing empowers individuals to release limiting beliefs and negative patterns, opening doors to new possibilities. Unwavering faith in the healing process and trust in divine timing are vital components of success.

Reaping the Benefits of Tao Healing

Discover how Tao healing unlocks the limitless potential within, leading to abundance, success, and positive thinking. Free yourself from the burden of grief and sadness and find the strength to serve others wholeheartedly. Embrace the transformative wisdom of Tao healing to co-create your destiny in harmony with the universe.

A Call to Healing

If you resonate with Helen's journey or struggle with emotions like grief and sadness, Tao healing is your guiding light. Connect with qualified Tao healer, Paul Fletcher, trained by Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, and embark on a transformative healing journey.


As we journey through life's emotions, Tao healing offers a profound path to healing and balance. Witness the miraculous transformations and find solace in the unity of body, mind, and soul. Walk hand in hand with the compassion and wisdom of enlightened beings, illuminating your path to emotional wellness. Until the next enlightening episode of The Healing Source, may love, gratitude, and healing energy fill your hearts. Aloha!

Tao healing,

Grief and sadness,



Positive mindset,

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