Tao Light Ball: Empowering Healing and Transformation

Nov 25, 2022

Tao Healing for Pain - A Journey to Wholeness

Introduction: Welcome and Aloha!

Aloha, everyone! Thank you for joining today's live stream podcast on The Healing Source. I'm Paul Fletcher, and we're wrapping up the first series on Tao Healing for pain. This is episode number seven, and there will be a total of six series, each focusing on different aspects of Tao Healing.

Understanding Tao Healing

Tao Healing, also known as Source Healing, harnesses the power of energy transmission. It is a profound method that has been passed down to healers like me by powerful mentors like Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha. Tao Healing employs various modalities such as Tao Healing Hands, Tao Song, and Tao Calligraphy to bring about healing transformations.

The Nature of Suffering

In earlier episodes, I explained that suffering originates from negative thoughts, words, or actions that accumulate in our personal vibration. These negative energies cause physical, emotional, and spiritual pain. Tao Healing acknowledges the interconnectedness of all souls and uses pure positive frequencies to minimize, eliminate, and transform these negative energies.

Demonstrations of Healing

Throughout the series, we've demonstrated Tao Healing on guests with various ailments. One such guest, Monica, suffered a traumatic hand injury. After receiving Tao Hands healing, she experienced significant relief, with the sensation of a second-degree burn diminishing. Additionally, her hand swelling reduced, and flexibility improved.

The Power of Tao Light Balls

In today's episode, we introduced Tao Light Balls—a potent form of healing transmission. 

In the realm of Tao Healing, one remarkable tool that stands out is the Tao Light Ball. This potent healing modality utilizes condensed light spheres infused with high-frequency vibrations sourced from the Tao. When these Tao Light Balls are transmitted, they target specific areas or conditions within the recipient's body or energetic field.

The magic of Tao Light Balls lies in their tailor-made nature. Each Tao Light Ball is custom-created to address the unique needs of the individual. Whether it's a physical ailment, emotional distress, or spiritual imbalance, the Tao Light Ball homes in on the area of concern, carrying the potential for profound healing and rejuvenation.

One of the key features of the Tao Light Ball is its permanence. Once transmitted, it remains in the recipient's energy field, continuously working to heal and transform. This means that the individual need not rely solely on external healers for ongoing support; instead, they have a powerful tool at their disposal to promote self-healing.

The activation process of the Tao Light Ball involves a combination of body, mind, sound, and soul power. The recipient acknowledges the Tao Light Ball's presence, expressing gratitude for its service and requesting its activation. By chanting specific invocations, such as "Tao Light Ball heals my hand," the individual increases the vibrational frequency of the Light Ball, intensifying its healing effects.

Lessons in Healing and Transformation

Another guest, Elizabeth, experienced remarkable improvements in her lower back pain after Tao Healing sessions. She shared valuable insights from her healing journey, emphasizing the importance of trusting the process, persistence, and patience. Through Tao Healing, she discovered transformative lessons in her life.

Empowering Your Own Healing

If you're interested in receiving Tao Light Balls or participating in future demonstrations on healing emotions, don't hesitate to connect with me through my website wellspringoflight.com. Tao Healing offers you the power to take charge of your own healing journey and create positive changes in your life.

Conclusion: A New Series on Healing Emotions

As we conclude this series on Tao Healing for pain, I want to express my gratitude to all the participants and listeners. Your presence has made this journey meaningful and inspiring. Next week, we embark on a new series focused on Healing Emotions. Join us to explore the roots of emotional pain and learn how to liberate yourself from its grip.

Subscribe and Stay Connected

Make sure to subscribe to The Healing Source on your preferred podcast platform or visit wellspringoflight.com for updates, daily healing opportunities, and private consultations. Until we meet again, embrace the power of Tao Healing and experience the profound transformation it brings. Aloha and have a wonderful day!

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