The EARTH Element Self-healing with the 5-Elements

Aug 03, 2023

The EARTH Element Self-healing with the 5-Elements


Aloha! Welcome, everybody. Thank you for joining me today. My name is Paul Fletcher, and this is The Healing Source. In this captivating podcast series, I've been receiving remarkable feedback on the profound insights shared on the five elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). For those who are not familiar with TCM, it is a revered ancient healing practice with a history spanning several thousand years. Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners undergo rigorous education lasting four or more years to understand the intricacies of this profound knowledge. While I am not a trained Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor, I have had the privilege of training under Master Zhi Gong Sha for over 15 years. Master Sha himself is a seasoned Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor and a Western medical doctor. Today, I am delighted to delve into the aspects of the Earth Element, one of the fundamental elements of TCM.

Understanding the Five Elements:

The concept of the five elements, which include wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, transcends the mere physical body. While our focus in this podcast will be on their application to our well-being, it's essential to grasp their broader significance in the cosmos. As represented in the image (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water), these elements are interconnected and work harmoniously in a dynamic flow.

In the previous episodes, we explored the interdependence of these elements, where each element nurtures and supports the next in a continuous cycle. Wood nurtures fire, fire nourishes the earth, the earth forms metal, metal transports water, and water feeds wood, completing the cycle. Additionally, these elements also possess controlling attributes, where one element regulates or controls another. For example, wood can control earth, water can control fire, and so on.

The Earth Element and its Aspects:

Today, our primary focus is the Earth Element. This element remarkably influences several aspects of the human body:

1. Spleen Organ:

The spleen, as the yin organ, plays a crucial role in digestion and nourishment. It's responsible for extracting nutrients from the food we consume and distributing them to the body.

2. Stomach Organ:

The stomach, as the yang organ, is intrinsically linked to the spleen and responsible for the initial stages of the digestion process. It breaks down food and prepares it for further processing in the intestines.

3. Mouth and Gums (Body Tissue):

Surprisingly, the Earth Element extends its influence to the mouth and gums, playing a significant role in overall health. The mouth is where digestion begins, as enzymes in saliva start breaking down carbohydrates.

4. Imbalanced Emotion - Worry:

The Earth Element is also associated with the emotion of worry, which can adversely affect digestion. When worry becomes excessive, it can disrupt the smooth functioning of the Earth Element, leading to issues like poor digestion, bloating, and abdominal discomfort.

5. Muscles:

The Earth Element governs muscle health, and imbalances may potentially contribute to muscle-related conditions like fibromyalgia. Healthy Earth Element ensures the muscles receive proper nourishment and remain strong.

Understanding the Earth Element Imbalances:

The significance of the Earth Element becomes evident when we observe the prevalence of digestion-related issues in humanity today. Approximately half of the population experiences some form of digestive problem, reflecting the profound role the Earth Element plays in our well-being. Traditional Chinese Medicine acknowledges that imbalances in digestion may stem from various factors, not just physiological ones.

The Emotional Connection - Worry:

An intriguing aspect of the Earth Element is its link to the emotion of worry. Overthinking, rumination, and constant mental agitation can disrupt the smooth functioning of the Earth Element, ultimately affecting digestion. Are you someone who ponders incessantly, losing sleep due to an overactive mind? Or do you find yourself ruminating over past events, often leading to self-criticism? Such emotional patterns could contribute to weakened digestion, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Exploring Fibromyalgia and Gender Differences:

Fibromyalgia, a perplexing condition without a known cure in Western medicine, captivates researchers and healthcare providers alike. Interestingly, about 95% of those diagnosed with fibromyalgia are female, with only 5% being male. This gender disparity raises questions about the Earth Element's involvement in muscle-related issues.

Traditional Chinese Medicine recognizes the Earth Element's pivotal role in muscle health. Considering that worry tends to be relatively predominant among females, could this emotional aspect be a contributing factor to fibromyalgia's higher incidence in women? While Western medicine may not currently associate fibromyalgia with the Earth Element, the holistic perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine offers a unique lens to explore such connections.

The Tennant Biomodulator and an Astonishing Discovery:

Drawing from my experience as a Tao healer, I've been blessed with various electronic healing devices. One such device is the Tennant biomodulator, not created by Dr. Tennant himself, but rather rediscovered after approximately 40 years. This device, originally designed by Russian scientists for cosmonauts, employs electrical stimulation to balance meridians, aligning them with specific organs for enhanced well-being.

A compelling tale involves a fellow doctor who suffered from a mysterious ailment, rendering him bedridden for six long years. Despite exhaustive Western medical tests, the cause remained elusive. It was only when he explored Traditional Chinese Medicine and engaged a TCM doctor that he discovered the root cause. The doctor identified that the Earth Element's spleen meridian, running through the jawline, was weakened, likely due to a previous root canal. The negative impact on his meridian ultimately led to the disease. Upon removing the root canal and treating the affected area, the doctor's health swiftly restored.

Tao Healing Techniques for Earth Element Balance:

The wisdom of Tao healing provides invaluable techniques to restore balance to the Earth Element:

  1. Acupressure: Applying gentle pressure to the spot below the knee and above the ankle stimulates the spleen and stomach meridians, promoting optimal digestion.

  2. Chanting 'Hu': Chanting the sound power 'Hu' resonates with the Earth Element's frequency, promoting harmony and emotional balance.

  3. Visualization: Visualize healing light emanating through a Tao calligraphy portal and enveloping your spleen, fostering balance and well-being.

  4. Mindful Eating: Develop a mindful approach to eating, appreciating the nourishment each meal provides, and avoiding distractions during mealtime.

  5. Herbal Support: Explore TCM-approved herbs that aid digestion and support the Earth Element's balance, such as ginger, ginseng, and licorice root.

Remember, the Earth Element is foundational to our well-being, and nurturing it through holistic practices can pave the path to optimal health and vitality.

Earth Element,

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM),




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