The Shen Channel - Sacred Wisdom on the Spiritual Channel for Immortality

Feb 16, 2024


The Shen Channel: The Soul Channel for the Spiritual Body

The Shen Channel: The Soul Channel for the Spiritual Body


Welcome to The Healing Source podcast. In this final episode of our series on the chakras, we will explore the Shen channel, a lesser-known pathway of spiritual energy. The Shen channel holds great wisdom and potential for spiritual growth and healing. Join us as we delve into the secrets of this spiritual body channel and learn how to tap into its power.

Understanding the Shen Channel

The Shen channel is an immortality pathway that begins at the top of the head, known as the Bai Hui acupuncture point, where the seventh chakra resides. Simultaneously, it also starts at the Hui Yin acupuncture point, located at the base of the torso, where the first chakra is found. These two points serve as the entry points for the Shen channel, which then flows through the central channel down the seventh chakra and up from the first chakra. The channel meets in the third chakra area, directly behind the belly button, before flowing back to the Ming Men point, which is situated at the dip in the back.

The Ming Men Point – The Gateway to the Tao

The Ming Men point, also known as the Dao point, holds great significance in the Shen channel. It represents the meeting point of the heart chakra and the Kundalini energy, symbolizing the balance between Yin and Yang. This point is often referred to as the neutral zone, a space of emptiness where spiritual practitioners strive to reach. By attaining this state of pure emptiness, one can receive higher wisdom and expand beyond current limitations. The sacred mantra associated with the Shen channel is "Weng, Hei, Hong, You," representing the flow of energy through the channel.

Unlocking Immortality

The practice of the Shen channel mantra, "Weng, Hei, Hong, You," is a powerful technique that can lead to immortality. Immortality in this context refers to becoming one with the source and creator, transcending the limitations of the physical body. While the concept of immortality may seem daunting, it is important to note that reaching this state allows individuals to be free from restrictions and act as stewards of the source, serving and assisting all of creation. By practicing this mantra, one can clear blockages in their energy field, transform suffering, and experience a deeper connection with source and mother earth.

Benefits of Practicing the Shen Channel Mantra

Engaging in the Shen channel mantra practice yields numerous benefits beyond immortality. The mantra helps to release suffering, transform negative vibrations, and increase the influx of source frequency from heaven and mother earth. This enhanced frequency brings more light, love, and healing into one's life. The practice also deepens meditation and cultivates a greater sense of well-being. By clearing blockages and raising one's vibration, individuals can experience improved health, increased vitality, and a greater sense of purpose.

Integration with Other Chakra Practices

The Shen channel is just one aspect of the complex energy system within the spiritual body. Throughout this podcast series, we have explored the nature, power, and significance of the chakras, as well as other channels such as the Qi and Jing channels. Each channel plays a unique role in our overall well-being and spiritual growth. By integrating practices that target all the channels, we can achieve a harmonious flow of energy and experience profound transformation.


The Shen channel is a powerful pathway within the spiritual body that holds immense wisdom and potential for spiritual growth. By practicing the Shen channel mantra, individuals can tap into this energy flow, release blockages, and experience a deeper connection with source and mother earth. While immortality may be the ultimate goal, the benefits of this practice extend far beyond, leading to improved health, vitality, and a greater sense of purpose. As we continue on our spiritual journey, let us embrace the teachings of the Shen channel and unlock the vast potential within us.

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