Understanding dimensions & time in relationship to manifestation & success

Jun 22, 2023

Understanding Dimensions & Time in Relationship to Manifestation & Success

Aloha and Welcome! In this podcast episode, we will explore the profound connection between dimensions, time, and successful manifestation practices. Our journey through Tao healing continues, focusing on finances and the higher wisdom of the Source that has been revealed to me.

Series Overview

This is the fifth installment of our series on manifestation principles, where we blend the sacred wisdom of Tao with the art of manifestation. Let's recap the previous episodes:

  1. The Root Cause of Financial Problems
  2. Daily Spiritual Practices for Transforming Finances and Success
  3. The Tao of Creation and Manifestation of Wealth and Success
  4. How the Past Influences Our Manifestations

Manifestation Misconceptions

Manifestation is often misunderstood as something external, where we wish for something and hope it will come to us. However, the truth is that all possibilities exist within our vibration. Quantum physics has shown us that any possibility can manifest, but it is our focused attention that brings a particular outcome into reality.

Dimensions and Time

Dimensions can be understood as different layers of frequency, while time is a construct experienced depending on the frequency we are in. Our current human realm is the third dimension, where we validate life through our five senses. However, there are higher dimensions where time as we perceive it does not exist.

Time as a Vertical Line

Time is not truly past, present, and future; it is a vertical line of moments. Each moment offers an experience, and the past is merely a remembrance of previous moments. The key to manifestation is staying in the present moment, reducing past and future constructs, and elevating our frequencies.

Raising Your Frequency

We can elevate our frequency by being quiet, meditating, and going into silence. Negative influences such as social media, negative news, and pollution can keep us in a lower frequency. However, the Earth and its inhabitants are moving toward a higher frequency, a more love-based existence.

Your Role in Manifestation

The moments we experience are opportunities to raise our frequency and reduce the gap between our requests and manifestations. By staying away from negative thoughts and emotions, we align ourselves with positive manifestations. Remember that you do not need to know how something will happen; that is Source's job. Your role is to focus on what you want with positive emotion.

The Power of Emotion

Emotion is the gas pedal for manifestation. Positive emotions, aligned with your desires, accelerate the manifestation process. Whenever negative thoughts arise, process them through forgiveness and healing, so they no longer hinder your focus on positive intentions.


Manifestation is about understanding dimensions and time and aligning ourselves with higher frequencies. By taking responsibility for our thoughts and emotions, we can manifest our desires faster and more effectively.


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