The Healing Source Podcast: Understanding the Power of Tao Healing
Oct 21, 2022
The Healing Source Podcast: Understanding the Power of Tao Healing
Welcome to The Healing Source Podcast! I'm Paul Fletcher, the founder of this podcast, and I'm excited to embark on this journey of wisdom and healing with you. In this second episode, we'll dive deep into the profound concept of Tao healing, its significance for humanity, and how it can transform our lives.
Why is Tao Healing Essential for Humanity?
Tao healing is not just any healing; it is source healing. To comprehend its importance, we must first acknowledge the origin of everything – "The Source." Tao healing connects us to this divine source that created all life, and through this connection, we can experience profound healing on all levels.
Alignment with Source
Being in alignment with the source means being in perfect harmony with ourselves, others, and the universe. It is a state of pure health and unconditional love, free from judgment and imbalanced emotions. Achieving this alignment is the key to unlocking our full potential and becoming the highest version of our souls.
The Challenge of Self-Centeredness
Unfortunately, the majority of humanity is stuck in a self-centered mindset, constantly thinking, "me, me, me." This egocentric approach hinders our growth and prevents us from serving others unconditionally. Many great souls throughout history, like Jesus and Buddha, have exemplified pure, unconditional love, but as humans, we often struggle to embody such a state.
Tao Healing: The Path to Transformation
Tao healing carries a frequency and vibration of pure positivity, as I, a Tao Healer, have experienced in my extensive training with Dr. and Master Sha. This healing energy can positively impact various aspects of our lives, from relationships to health issues. Humanity is currently burdened with physical, financial, and emotional suffering, but Tao healing offers a way to alleviate these struggles.
Understanding the Root Cause
The suffering we experience is not accidental; it has a root cause. Tao healing aims to identify and heal this root cause, which resides at the level of our soul. Negative thoughts, actions, and even ancestral experiences contribute to our vibrational field, affecting our overall well-being.
The Power of Forgiveness
Tao healing, in essence, is a form of forgiveness. By seeking forgiveness for our past mistakes, harmful actions, and negative thoughts, we can release the burdens that hold us back. Forgiveness liberates us from the karmic cycle and allows us to embrace a higher level of understanding.
Healing Miracles through Tao Healing
Tao healing has the power to resolve issues on a deep and permanent level. By addressing the root cause, rather than just the symptoms, true healing can occur. While instant healing miracles can happen, the amount of healing received depends on the soul's readiness to let go of negative information.
Embracing Universal Laws
Understanding the universal laws of cause and effect is vital. Every action, positive or negative, carries consequences. Recognizing the "why" behind our suffering empowers us to make positive changes in our lives.
Our Vibrational Field: A Reflection of Experience
Our souls carry the collective experiences of all lifetimes, positive and negative. Positive actions, thoughts, and words create a high-frequency field, while negative experiences lead to lower frequencies. Recognizing and transforming negative information at the soul level is the essence of Tao healing.
Healing Demonstration and Conclusion
I invite you to join me next week for a healing demonstration with Tao healing. Witnessing this process can help you understand its potential and believe in the possibility of true healing. Tao healing is the key to transforming our lives, aligning with the source, and experiencing unconditional love and harmony.
Connect with The Healing Source
For more information on Tao healing, my courses, or personal healing sessions, visit my website at or find me on social media at Let's embark on this transformative journey together and embrace the power of Tao healing.
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