Welcome everybody. Today is podcast number three. I had to think about that for just a moment. Today what we're going to be talking about is, how this Tao healing works. The first two episodes are on, “what is Tao healing” and “why is Tao healing important. Today we're going to be focusing on how does Tao healing works. This is a very exciting episode. This is one of my favorite topics actually. I have been a Tao healer for almost 15 years now. When I first started this I was trying to figure out how this worked. I could see that it was working and it was a transference of frequency and vibration, but it was working so effectively and so quickly. I just couldn't quite grasp it.
My teacher Dr. and Master Sha explained to me that this form of healing, called Tao healing, can work on just about anything. Not just healing people’s physical body, but it could help to transform emotional challenges or relationship challenges. How many of us have some of those? Right! So, one of the unique things about Tao healing that I'm so excited to share today is that I can now actually explain how Tao healing works. First I will set a little backdrop for you to get the most out of this Tao healing. The name Tao means source. Tao healing, In essence means “source healing.” Dr. and Master Sha is the founder of this form of healing.
It is truly remarkable that many thousands, probably close to hundreds of thousands of people, have received this form of healing. In my personal opinion, I believe Tao healing is far more effective than most of the other forms of energy healing that are out there, especially when we're talking about remote healing. I state this from personal experience and observation. Let me go ahead and share with you why. Many years ago when I started in this training modality, I did not really understand how it worked. I knew it worked because as I spoke about in a previous episode, my roommate Barry was a new at this. I didn't know anything about it. I had no idea what I understood, or knew any abilities I might have had. To be perfectly frank, I didn't know if I had any healing ability at all.
With this first healing, I put up my palm and I asked my healing hands to offer a healing for Barry’s back pain. Within 10 minute, his 10 plus years of back pain had completely dissolved, and it did not return. This is truly shocking when you think about it. For me, having witnessed that and then going through a process of at least six months of doing healing after healing after healing . I eventually was convinced that it worked. I was like, wow, you know. I really need to understand this. 15 years ago, Dr. and Master Sha, the founder of this form of healing explained how it worked differently than today. He grew up with wisdom and teachings of traditional eastern philosophies and cultures. He grew up in Buddhism and in Taoism and Confucianism.
Master Sha, honors all wisdoms and beliefs. In fact he encourages people to maintain their understandings. However, many years ago, his way of explaining the root cause of suffering and utilized those teachings. In those days he would try to explain to us, that when somebody makes a mistake, when somebody harms another, through unpleasant thoughts or unpleasant words or unpleasant actions, then that remains in their vibrational field. It remains with their soul. In those ancient philosophies and traditions they would actually refer to that as a karma.
In the western culture, it might be called sinning. This is just, an expression… a verbiage to try to explain to people in way they can comprehend it. Today what we do is reference the healing more from spiritual and scientific understanding.
I'm going to share with you today how Tao healing works using the understanding of Tao science. Tao science is the science of the source. Tao science was founded by Dr. and Master Sha and Dr. Rulin Xiu. She is a very talented physicist. I was grateful to work directly with her as a center leader for one of Master Sha’s healing centers in Portland. Master Sha and Rulin wrote two books on Tao Science. I don’t have the books in front of me to give you the actual titles, but you can find them pretty easily.
Master Sha asked Rulin to co-write the books. He shared that he knows that this source healing works, however, people cannot see it. People cannot comprehend it. They may have one or two or even 10 years of pain and then after one or more healings it's just completely ameliorated. Naturally, the mind has trouble understanding that. So he asked Dr. Rulin to apply math with physics to validate how Tao healing works. He also asked her to try to explain (with math and physics) the nature of the soul and that it really exists.
Together, they were able to accomplish the wisdom and equations to validate these truths. Now I'm not a physicist, and I have no idea how to explain things in the way she does. Maybe one day I'll have her on as a guest speaker. What I can share with you is the theory that was created to explain the nature of Tao healing and how it works. It is called the universal law of Shen Shi Jing, an information system.
Dr. and Master Sha understood that spirituality and science need to blend. They need to meld. They need to have harmony. Science (for the most part) is free of any form of spiritual consciousness. Spiritual consciousness acknowledges science, but doesn't apply it necessarily to validate any spirituality. Master Sha understood that in order for all humanity to benefit, we have to provide validation and proof of the efficacy of this form of healing in such a way that it bypasses the scientific regiments and as well as the medical ones. Master Sha also commissioned medical studies for proving the efficacy of Tao healing to the medical community.
There is a book called Shen medicine. It is written by Dr. Peter Hudoba. He studied over 600 cases, and 18 control group studies. He has the findings in various seminars and symposiums around the world about the efficacy of this form of healing. You can research that on your own.
Through writing these two books, Master Sha and Dr. Rulin came up with a universal theory called “The universal law of Shen Qi Jing” an information system. Visualize two columns. On the left column flowing down is Shen then Qi, then Jing. Shen, Qi and Jing are Mandarin Chinese words. Shen has many ancient meanings associated with it. It could mean spirit. It could mean soul. It could mean magical or miraculous. It depends on the context of the word in the sentence.
Master Sha has defined it as encompassing of Soul, Heart, and Mind. Most of you have heard of soul, heart, and mind, and how the heart houses the mind and the soul. This is not foreign to the West. Now, visualize below the word Shen is the word Qi. Everybody here has heard of QI. Qi is energy. You have heard of Qigong. You've heard of Tai chi right? These are forms of energy movement. In fact, in the east they have hospitals that are dedicated entirely to Qigong. These hospitals are dedicated to the use of energy to heal. They don't actually work with any forms of the western medicines. They have many thousands of success stories of people reversing their illnesses through the movement of Qi.
Visualize the left column again. On the top is Shen (soul, heart, and mind). Below is Qi (energy). The final level is JING. Jing is matter. Matter is representative of the physical world. If you were to apply these Shen, Qi and Jing understandings to why people suffer and how healing occurs, we would say something to the effect of; “The soul houses the positive and negative thoughts, words, and actions that everyone has ever had in this and all lifetime. NOTE: you may not agree to the idea of other lifetimes, that’s okay, please maintain your understanding.
From a scientific perspective, we can be negatively or positively affected by our ancestors. Your ancestors have had both positive and negative thoughts, words and actions. Those energies remains within their vibrational field which affects their DNA. If that effect on their DNA is positive, then you inherit that, and you may have a very healthy existence. The same is true for the effects of their negative thoughts words and actions. If it was unpleasant and harmful to others, that also energetically affects their DNA. It affects their vibration on their field, which affects their DNA. Then that's transferred down to you. Science would call that an association of an inheritable disease for example.
OK… so where did that inheritable diseases come from? Why did that ancestor receive that disease? This wisdom would say, it's because they created negativity and the vibration remained on their “soul” field. This is really one of the core understandings of how Tao healing works. In order to understand how it works, you have to understand where the discomfort, or the lack of balance in a person's life originated from. Tao healing works by dissolving the root cause. The root cause is the negative thoughts words and actions that the soul holds in its vibrational field. The heart is the receiver of that negative information. Now we also want to see both sides of this. The soul also holds positive information. The heart receives positive information. Maybe it's a healthy relationship. Then the mind receives that positive or negative information. The the mind is the processor.
I'm touching on words now that go to the Tao science column (on the right side). I'll give more clarity. The soul is the holder of either the positive or negative information. The heart receives and the mind processes it and sends it downstream to the Qi. Qi is the energy. The energy is the actioner. It brings into action the messages coming from upstream. If it is a positive message that the heart received, it is then sent to the mind. The mind starts focusing on that positive message and then manifest it using its vibrational field to create the physical results.
Applying this to our body and to DNA. DNA (the gene) is matter. If is the last to be effected. It can contribute to is the actual manifestation of health or illness. In the case of things not related to DNA the negative or positive vibrations contribute to the manifestation of a healthy relationship or healthy finances.
Now let's pop over to the right hand column which is the Tao science information system. Tao science says that that the soul is a carrier of information, that it is a warehouse of information. Everyone and everything has a soul according to the ancient wisdoms. Each soul (subdivided essence of source) is a warehouse information. Where does the information come from? It may have come from anywhere. It could have came from our mom and dad when we were growing up. It could come from our teachings, our teachers, our belief systems. It came through the DNA that came through our ancestors. Potentially it could have come from previous lifetimes. It comes from walking through the living room, when the spouse might be listening to the negative news that is talking about the world.
All of this information enters our eyes, our ears, and our senses. This then infuses itself upon our vibrational field. Some of it comes into our vibration upon birth. Some of it comes into our vibration as we go through life. We are responsible for what enters our vibrational field. The soul is the warehouse of information. The heart then is the receiver of information.
Now visualize the right hand column, where Tao Science is explained. Tao sciences explains the heart receives the information. Is it positive or is it negative? The mind is the processor. Think of the mind like the general. A lot of people like to give a lot of credit to the mind. Mind over matter etc. There's nothing wrong with it. It is proven to be effective, that when somebody focuses their mind, they can create tangible results. What are they doing with their mind? They are moving the Qi. This then creates and manifests the end result which is the matter.
So let's put these side by side. At the top left we have the soul. It is defined as Shen. It is the spirit, the original part of our creator, and it holds all positive and negative thoughts words and actions from all time. On the right column, Tao science would say that is where the information that the heart receives originates. The mind processes. The chi, which is the energy, is the the actioner. It is the momentum put forth after the mind sends the orders downstream. The mind starts processing that positive or negative, and the energy starts moving the ball. Maybe it's moving towards business success. Maybe it's moving towards a relationship success. Maybe it's moving towards a health recovery.
The ball is moving because the positive or negative information went downstream. From the heart to the mind, thus creating the movement to the Qi, and then the end result. The physical manifestation is the end result, however, it shows up on your life. The matter is at the bottom of the chain of events. This is the universal law of Shen Qi information system. This information system tells us how our illnesses occur. How our successes in life occur. This information tells us why something does not work.
Raise your hand if you've visualized millions of dollars and it hasn't come to you? OK why? Because it doesn't start at the mind level. The heart needs to be involved. The soul has a vote in this. If you or your ancestors had brought financial suffering to others, harmed others finances, their businesses, or stole, cheated, lied, or whatever. The result those individuals their families their loved ones could have suffered could be significant. They may have lost land. That negative information remained in the ancestor’s vibrational field or yours if you did that. It doesn't just go away magically. Oh well, you know, I just took from them. No big deal! No it stays in your field, and it creates a vibration. In the case of money, it could get in the way of your financial success.
Let’s talk about relationship and the different example. What if you have exceptional relationships? No matter who you talk to they just love you. What does that mean? That means that you carry good thoughts. You want the best wishes for others. In this and other time you and your ancestors benefited others, helped others, gave them a foot up.
What about health issues? Some of us are very healthy. Some of us are not. What is the root cause of that? Sometimes it's not so easy to identify the root cause. In the next few episodes I'll be doing a lot of Tao healing, wisdom and teachings. Some testimonials as well. I will actually deliver Tao Healing while live on the air.
One of the things that I want you to understand is that our health issues have a direct association to the negative information on our vibration. So let's say you have long standing back pain. We will use that as an example. Imagine, you go to the chiropractor once a week. It works for about a day or so. You go to the massage once a week, and you're pretty good for a day or so and then it comes back. Some of you have had surgery. Some of you have been hit in the back end by a car three times just in the last year. Do you actually think that this is accidental? You can go on believing that if you want but the universal law of cause and effect is immutable. Where there is a cause, there was always an effect.
The higher wisdom teachings would say that an enlightened one does not fear anything except their next thought. They know that their next thought, word, or action creates a butterfly effect so they are very conscientious about moving into each moment.
Many that are suffering want to start pointing the fingers outside of themselves. You did this to me. You ran your car into me. I'm suffering in relationship because you were so mean to me. I can't rub two nickels together because my boss fired me. This is pointing the finger outside of us. This will not help your recovery for any aspect of your life. The universal law of Shen, Qi, and Jing acknowledges that nothing is an accident. Sometimes that's hard to hear. Sometimes we don't want to take responsibility for what happens in our life. Tao healing works by acknowledging that this negative information is the root cause of the suffering.
Tao healing is a healing frequency. It is an empowerment that has been transmitted to a Tao healer. This empowerment comes with the ability to open a channel through which the source most pure frequency and vibration can comes through.
This most pure source frequency and vibration, comes through the channel, through the conduit of the transmission that that healer has received. This is where the rubber hits the road. The transmission carries the most pure positive source frequency and vibration that we were all born from. That source frequency and vibration is free of negativity. The healing that is sent does not affect the physical body. It does not it does not change the energy. It does not change the mind. It doesn't affect the heart at all. In actuality, that is what all of the other modalities try to affect. They try to affect the physical. They try to affect the emotional. They try to affect the mindsets, attitudes, beliefs. They try to affect the heart. It's not that they don't work, but they have a minimal degree of success.
What Tao healing does is unique. The source most positive frequency and vibration comes through and it affects the negative information that is being held in the warehouse of the soul. That negative information has been with that individual a long time. That's where they get a cancer. This is also why their relationship goes south for the winter. This is why people who have successful business, all of a sudden it goes under.
Everything, everything, everything, has a cause. We experience the effect, but we in most cases remain oblivious to how to transform it. The answer to transforming it is understanding the nature of your soul. Find a Tao healer who carries this frequency and vibration. When they connect, they will ask the source as appropriate to offer healing and transformation for this individual's physical, emotional, mental spiritual bodies. Whatever the root cause is, it is residing at the level of soul and it is inhibiting them from having success at the physical level.
Let me put this a different way. Tao healing transforms the frequency and vibration at the level of soul by making it more positive. In essence it goes in, and it erases the negative information. Speaking from the eastern culture perspective, they would say it releases some of the karma. If you were speaking it from the western perspective, you would say it's forgiveness of a sin. We don't say any of that, but if that's the direction you're coming from and your understanding of this is improved, then great. If that helps you to understand it better, fabulous, up to you. I share it the way it's been taught.
Tao healing transforms a negative information by adding source positive frequency and vibration. What does that do? The heart receives a new positive message around finances or health or illness. Maybe it's not a 100% perfect message, but maybe the challenged area has been altered by 50% or so. The mind now receives a much more positive message about that back pain or about finances. This new, much more positive message, did not get changed at the mind level. It got changed upstream at the level of soul. The mind says, yes Sir, I'm the processor. I'm going to send this information to the energy. The energy then starts bringing action to this new positive message, thereby transforming the relationship, the physical issue or the finances. The end result is the matter (the jing) is changed.
The one sentence secret in all of Master Sha's books says “transform the negative information first and at the level of soul and the heart the information the message the information the energy and the matter has to transform to match what is transferred at the origin.”
In his previous books, 15 years ago, he would say “heal the soul first and the mind and body will follow”. Hopefully now you can understand how a 10 minute healing can create such amazing results. In essence, through a Tao healing, the original reason for that suffering has been partially or fully released or “forgiven.” The positive frequency of the source has erased it and it was transformed at the level of origination. This is how Tao healing works.
If you would like to know more about Tao healing I encourage you to come to my website. My website is called wellspring of light dot com wellspringoflight.com. It is in the description area. If you are interested and wish to receive healing or learn more about this, then you can schedule yourself a private consultation. I'm here to serve you. I have some amazing program and you'll learn more about them right after this, so it's been my honor to connect with you. I look forward to seeing you very soon. I'll be back here again next week for the next podcast and until then have an awesome day.