Hey, welcome everyone! Very, very happy to be with you today. It’s Wednesday the 25th of January 2023 and this is the first in the new series; this is series number 3, just completed number 2 which was on Tao Healing for the emotions. Series number 1 was on Tao Healing for the physical body and we start a new series today which is Tao Healing for the Mind. This will be a very, very popular series, of that I am sure. And today we’re going to focus on the mind and it’s connection to the soul.
Everything in the wisdom that my teacher, Dr and Master Sha, has brought to us speaks of the soul. And everyone and everything is connected to the Source and in earlier wisdom in the series I share that everyone and everything has the spirit of the Source creator within it. And another way of saying that is that everything has a soul. So, it’s very important to understand that your emotions, the emotion of fear, the emotion of worry, anger, that’s a soul. And today we’re talking about the mind.
Well, your mind has a soul; mindsets have a soul; attitudes and beliefs have a soul. Ego, attachments, they all have a soul. Well, that sounds very strange to the person hearing it for the first time. It’s like no, no, no, Paul, only humans and maybe animals have a soul. Well, I covered this earlier but to briefly remind you everything is made up of Source creator. All of the energy, all of the matter in the nothingness of before something becomes tangible, all of the intangible things it all has Source creator within every speck of energy and matter. I has Source consciousness in other words and that consciousness does not stop when that energy and matter form a thought.
That consciousness does not disappear when that energy and matter forms a piece of plastic. That consciousness remains in the energy and matter wherever it manifests or stays in the unmanifest. Therefore, everyone and everything has Source consciousness. Or, another way of putting it is everyone and everything has a soul.
Now, when you take it to the next step which is why Tao Healing is so effective you start to understand, and it’s a one sentence secret, that the purpose of every soul- what is a soul? A soul, remember, is a speck of consciousness of the Source, just in a different form. And the purpose of every soul is to serve. So, if you have a positive thought is that serving you?
Absolutely! If you do something positive to help others does that benefit others, is that serving them? Yes! So, those thoughts, those words, and those actions are all infused with Divine Source Creator and frequency vibration, it has a soul. Additionally, your soul, every soul is here to serve us. So that means that the negative ones, like mindset, attitude, or belief, now it could be a positive mindset, “I’m going to succeed no matter what.” That could also fall into an attitude, we’ll talk more about that in the next few weeks, the differences between them. But when we talk about the mind and its connection to the world of soul this is where we want to start. It starts with comprehending, understanding that your mind is not a standalone item that’s running off on it’s own. It’s actually a part of a hierarchy, it’s part of a series of events and activities that are occurring within your frequency and your vibration.
So, If you’ve been with me awhile and my series you’ll know that I’ve spoken that we all have a soul and that our soul radiates a frequency and a vibration. The frequency and vibration that we radiate is dependent upon both the positive and negative information that we’ve given ourself and that we’ve given to others, not only in this lifetime but in all lifetimes. So, when we look at the relationship to between the mind to the soul, this a very important truth to understand.
It’s not a concept, it’s a truth. I can say that because when we practice this Tao Healing to heal the soul, to transform a negative mindset, attitude, or belief; ego or attachment it works. When we use Tao Healing to transform mind blockages and very, very heavy mental conditions then it can have a very positive, measurable effect. So, how is that possible if we’re not dealing with things at the level of soul? Because that’s what we do, it’s an intangible service.
So, how then is the mind and the soul connected? As has been explained your soul is forever. You are part of the Source, Source is forever so, therefore, you are forever. But not the you the personality. Not me the personality Paul or you the personality Rebecca or Bob or Jim, okay? We the personality are very temporary. I mean I’ve already reached the halfway point on the fuel gauge and so I’m going to do my best with the other halfway of my fuel, see if I can fill it up here and there and maybe get an extra 100 miles to the gallon out of life. But, for the most part we are temporary, we are not forever but your soul is.
And your soul carries every thought, every word you’ve ever spoken that comes out of you, and every action which is an external activity. All of your words, all of your thought, all of your actions put an imprint in your field. And that imprint, whether it’s a positive imprint or a negative imprint remains in your field until it is removed from your field.
So, you want to remove as many of the negative imprints, frequencies and vibrations and add on positive ones, that’s kind of obvious side, right? And here’s where the mind and the soul connection occur. We often think, we being you and I, the physical representation of our experience in this life, we often think of you and I as the one who’s running the show, right?
We have a thought ,we go do it. We have a thought; we don’t go do it. We must be running the show but, actually, no we are not. We are not the boss, the mind is not the boss. The soul is the boss and this is the first thing to understand about the mind-soul connection. Your soul is the boss and for some of you, this might be the very first time you’re hearing this. So, it might be like, “Well, I’ve never talked to my soul in my whole life so what makes it the boss? I don’t even understand what the soul is.”
And you could go off on a tangent on that alone if you’re kind of new at this. So, understand that the reason the soul is the boss is because it’s connected to the Source, and it lives forever. You will have a series of experiences and then die.
And then you will, not you as Paul, Bob or you Mary, will incarnate again as an entirely different personality having an entirely different set of experiences which will either add to or take away from the frequency and vibration on your soul’s field. So when you entered this life your soul had lot of messages, positive and negative, which all attribute and contribute to the frequency and vibration on your soul’s field. And then you enter into this life and you might think that you have a thought of, “I don’t like that person!” and you don’t know why so you say, “Oh, that’s my mind, it just doesn’t like that person” but actually it could be your soul that has a soul memory.
Your soul could know that that person in a different time brought harm to you. Of course, you don’t remember it because you’re just a personality. So, your soul lives forever. It has a record, a record of every positive and every negative thought, word and action that has ever contributed to your life. And it’s no different now, in this present moment.
Take a look at where you are now. Measure your level of happiness in the six-pie charts of your life. We have our physical health, that’s one pie chart. We have our financial pie chart. We have our relationship pie chart. We have our business piece of the pie chart. We have our family piece of the pie chart and we have our friends piece of the pie chart.
And there’s probably other pieces but those are the six major ones. How is our level of happiness in each of those? How is our level of alignment? We could have wonderful finances and terrible health. We could have wonderful health and terrible finances. We could have wonderful health and finances and terrible relationships. So, when you look around your pie chart of life ask yourself why are certain parts of my life not so wonderful and other parts of my life not so good?
The answer is because your soul carries all of you positive and negative information that you’ve collected from all lifetimes. All of your negative and positive thoughts, words and actions. And they came into you in this life and they contributed to the development of who you received as parents, how your parents communicated with you and how you received that communication, and then how you brought yourself to life.
Meaning how you brought yourself through your school years and into your higher service years, your job, your career, etc. etc. etc. It's all contributed to your health, everything. And it contributes to your mind. As I mentioned a moment ago there is a hierarchy, a hierarch of information it starts with soul. So, visualize this with me, it starts with soul, it’s at the top, mind is down here. Guess what’s below the mind? The energy and matter. But, there’s something between the mind and the soul, soul’s at the top. What’s below the soul is your heart, your heart is the receiver.
Your heart receives some of the messages that the soul is holding. Is the message that comes to the heart a positive message or a negative message? How did it get there in the first place? Why would the soul send a negative message because, certainly, you only want positive ones, right? But the soul might send a negative message because it’s on your vibration. Maybe you’re in a relationship that you’re not enjoying. Why would you not be enjoying it? Did it just happen accidentally? You happen to be with someone who just doesn’t treat you well and I’m just a victim, is that where you’re at?
That would mean you’re saying I have no control over my experience when, in fact, your soul is trying to assist you so that you can clear any imbalances that brought the negativity into your heart which then came to your mind. See, your mind is just the processor. Your mind simply processes life, it processes the positive or negative information, but we give such credit to the mind because it has the ability to process and make decisions, so we give it all this credit and all this worth. But your mind can also say,
“Oh, you’re no good. You’re never going to amount to anything. Oh, you don’t need to be here. Why do you want to be her any longer?” Your mind can say all of these unpleasant things to you. How did those unpleasant things get into your vibration? How did they get there? I don’t think you went down to the grocery store and said, “I’ll take a side of negativity, please” I’ll take a side of dumping on myself and throw it in my shopping cart. Most people don’t go around purposely putting negativity into their own personal field so that it can mess with their mind throughout their day. That’s not how we go through life and somehow it got there, isn’t that interesting?
Your soul is the warehouse, the carrier of all lifetimes, of both positive and negative information. It got there, if you don’t remember it from this lifetime, from other ones. And when that information, negative or positive, comes to your heart and your heart receives it, your heart, of course, loves positive information, it wants to receive positive, it wants to receive love, it wants more of that.
But if there’s an abundance of the negative guess which one comes in? Because it has to be cleared. If your cup is full and there’s no more room any more room to put anything in then you have to clear what you don’t want. So, your soul has a desire to remove that negativity so that it can return to the Source. How does it accomplish that? By adding more positive. How can it add more positive if the cup is full? It has to release that which is holding it back. And you are the middleman, the personality Bob, Mary, Joe, Paul, we are the middleman. So, instead of going through life victim, victim, victim, woe is me, every body hates me, we can wake up and say, “Hmmm.
My mind is trying to teach me something here when it gives me this negative message.” Since the mind is not in control, it’s just processing and now I’m clear it came from the heart and the heart doesn’t want to receive a negative message it must have come from my soul. Now I know why it’s in my field. It’s not in my field to screw with me and mess with me and ruin my life. It’s in my filed so that I can acknowledge it. What did I say 10 minutes ago? What is the purpose of every soul. Remember the answer?
The purpose of every soul is to serve. So this negative mindset that keeps running your life and looping in and finding a way to mess with you, it’s trying to serve you. But you’re too busy going, “No! Go away! I don’t like you. I’m going to cover you up with this sweet candy thought over here” instead of saying, “Ah. I love you! I cannot thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to see (here’s where the rubber hits the road, pay attention) I cannot thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to see that in a time I do not remember, another lifetime, I must have caused someone to have these same series of thoughts.
If you have a series of thoughts about being worthless, guess what? You were probably in another lifetime not the awesome, amazing beautiful soul you are today, because you ARE awesome and amazing. Raise your hand if you’re awesome and amazing, I am! I’m a good guy. I’m awesome. I’m amazing. But, yet, I still have stuff that whacks me over the head. Now I can sit there and wallow in that or I can see it as trying to serve me. I can say, “Oh, I just got whacked over the head and I’m not enjoying that.
That means that even though I’m awesome, in a different lifetime when I wasn’t so awesome, in a different personality I could have been rude and crude and mean and hurtful and all kinds of things that obviously I’m not now. But it could still have remained in my field and that’s why it’s there. Because your soul desperately wants it out of your environment.
And so your soul gives it to you as a beautiful gift so that you can go, “Aha! I love you” to this negative thought. Thank you for your unconditional service to me. I know you wish to leave my field. I’m sure you’re tired of hanging out the last 200 years. And now I’m going to give you that opportunity. I am going to ask forgiveness and open my heart to positive messages. I’m going to ask forgiveness for creating that exact same negativity that I’m receiving because, clearly, I’ve given that exact same negativity to others at a time I don’t remember. And this is an opportunity to ask forgiveness which is the equivalent of washing it away from my field, especially if I am forgiven.
So, let’s do a practice.
I invite you to close your eyes, connect to one negative thought, a predominant one. Something you maybe beat yourself up with, okay? Find that one negative thought, what is it? Maybe it’s something from a mom or a dad, you’ll never amount to anything. Maybe it’s something you say to yourself like, “Why even try?” Find that negative thought. Maybe it’s been following you for 10 years. Now, repeat that negative thought so that you know what it is. That is what others have felt, that is exactly what others have felt as a result of some mistakes that you or your ancestors made. You might have been much less conscious and awake and aware than you are now. So, what do you do? You do this, you close your eyes and you say these words:
Dear Humanity, Dear my Source Creator, Dear all souls at all times, from my heart I sincerely ask forgiveness, the mistakes I clearly have made in offering harmful thoughts, harmful words, or harmful actions towards you and the end result was you feeling the same negative feeling that I am. I am so clear how much I am not enjoying this negative sensation, this negative feeling. And I know that it has entered my field because at some point in time I had spoken or harmed others in such a way where they had those same thoughts. I may have said some very unpleasant things and you started putting yourself down, saying unpleasant things towards yourself, feeling less than, feeling inferior, feeling not worthy, feeling whatever this negativity you’re experiencing.
If I have ever caused any soul in anywhere in time to ever feel what I’m feeling my head is flat on the ground and I humbly, from my heart, ask forgiveness. Of course, I’m not that type of person now. I want you to know the lessons have been learned and there’s no longer a need to stay in my frequency and vibration. Please forgive me. I have learned what I needed to learn. I will not cause others to feel this way again. Please forgive me, I’m so grateful. Thank you.
Now, that’s an example of the forgiveness practice. My teacher Dr and Master Sha, he provides additional support for us. Here’s one of the things that he provides (open slide of calligraphy). He helps us through what’s called Tao Calligraphy. Now for those of you listening on the podcast you might not see this image that I have up on my video so come to my website, wellspringoflight.com, and go to the blog that has the same name as this podcast and you’ll see this video.
And you’ll see this calligraphy that has the words written on it Da Ai which translates to Greatest Love. Da is greatest; Ai, spelled AI, is Love. Da Ai, Greatest Love. And this calligraphy carries in it pure frequency and vibration; healing frequency and vibration. And what we need to do to clear negativity that’s on our frequency and vibration, the negative thoughts that we’ve given ourselves and others, we need to pause five or ten minutes, asking forgiveness is very important.
And we also need to bring a higher frequency and vibration into our field which is effectively watering the roots of the weeds so that they are much, much, much easier to pull out. Have you ever tried to pull out a weed and it breaks right there at the ground? So, how do you pull out that weed? Easy, you water it with love; you water it with forgiveness; you water it with a higher frequency and vibration which causes the roots in the ground to soften and then the weed pulls up and it's very, very gentle, very easy and gone.
And, pretty soon, one or two or three days later you’re not having that series of negative thoughts over and over and over because you are applying a higher frequency and vibration on a persistent and consistent basis to your personal healing field. That’s what Tao Calligraphy offers you. Now, you don’t have to understand it, just work with it and you’ll see that it validates its truth.
How do we do this? We touch all five fingers together, the four fingers and the thumb touch, and we follow the pathway of this calligraphy. When this calligraphy was written by Dr and Master Sha he connected to the Source and being one of the the most powerful conduits of healing in Humanity today, he gathered that Source frequency and vibration and placed it within this piece of healing art. Again, you don’t have to understand it, you don’t have to believe it, that’s not relevant. What is relevant is interacting with it. And as you practice with it the frequency and vibration that resides within then comes to you and helps to remove the negativity from you.
So, let us practice. And I’m going to chant Da Ai, Greatest Love to bring the sound frequency, as well. See the light coming from the Source calligraphy onto your entire vibrational field coming to your heart center where many of the negative mindsets reside. Let us begin.
(chanting and tracing)
Da Ai, Da Ai, Da Ai Da Ai, Da Ai, Da Ai, Da Ai, Da Ai
Da Ai, Da Ai, Da Ai Da Ai, Da Ai, Da Ai, Da Ai, Da Ai
Greatest Love. See light coming into your heart center. Let go of that negativity
(chanting resumes)
Greatest Love, Greatest Love, Greatest Love, Greatest Love
For those listening on podcast just close your eyes, you’re receiving healing right now.
(chanting resumes)
Da Ai, Da Ai, Da Ai Da Ai, Da Ai, Da Ai, Da Ai, Da Ai
Greatest Love, Greatest Love, Greatest Love, Greatest Love
Wonderful! So, as we work with this Source calligraphy Da AI it continues to shift and change the frequency and vibration in our field. Master Sha suggests that you practice at least 30 minutes a day and one of the ways I’m able to make it easier for you is through my Wellspring of Light Membership, where five days a week we’re practicing with the Tao Calligraphy and there’s always recordings available. So, there’s not a single day basically that you’d go without having the source healing available to you. We practice some things that I share here. So, if you find yourself having negative mindsets, you’ve always wondered, Where to they originate from? How come they’re so predominant and always nagging in your field?
The reason why is very simple, in this or a different lifetime you or your ancestors offered negative thoughts, words or actions towards others and the end result was that they had negativity of their mindsets, of their mind chatter, okay? Then the solution is always the same; offer forgiveness, what you ask forgiveness for specifically the mind negativity that you’re experiencing, that’s what you ask forgiveness for, creating that upon others
And then bring yourself to a higher frequency and vibrational field on a consistent basis and you definitely will start feeling better. You will be able to sustain that shift and you will, not a very long period of time, one or two, three months you will be in a very different positive space. Those negativities just won’t be there anymore. You’ll look through a different set of lenses because as that negativity comes off of your vibration it’s like clearing the mud off of your windshield, all of a sudden you can see life differently with how you are seeing with all of the mud on the windshield of your life, so to speak.
So, this brings us to the conclusion of today. This is the new series, series number 3 where we’re focusing on Tao Healing for all of the different mind blockages that can mess with us. So, I encourage you to come to my website, learn more about how this healing can serve you. The website is wellspringoflight.com and there are several courses there, one of them you can get for free, one of them is Heal Your Soul, Heal Your Life. I’ve got a new relationship course that’s up and running so if you have relationship issues you can get that course, as well.
So, I look forward to seeing you next week, same time, same place. Tell your friends. Make sure you subscribe to my podcast and I will see you all very soon. Bye-bye everybody!