All Relationships have Quantum entanglements April 5, 2023
Paul: Welcome everybody? Very, very happy to be reconnecting with you this week. For those of you that have never met me, my name is Paul Fletcher and I am honored to be your host of The Healing Source. This program is dedicated to bringing the wisdom, the teachings of Tao Healing. Tao Healing has been brought to humanity through a beautiful soul and his name is Dr and Master Sha. You’ll hear me mention his name once or twice but you’re going to hear a tremendous amount about Tao Healing which is the form of healing which I and many others use to assist you to release and transform any of the negativity that is happening in your life. You could have physical pain, relationship issues, emotional suffering, doesn’t matter what the suffering is, even finances. It’s all rooted in the same issue and Tao Healing addresses that one issue with the same original Source healing. Accordingly, the resolve of that issue becomes much more clear and possible with Tao Healing. How do I know? Because I’ve been doing Tao Healing for over 15 years. I am a certified Master Teacher and healer having received many different levels of certification with Tao Healing and having taught this for many years. I’m quite confident in both the material that I share and the ability of Tao Healing affect your life.
In today’s show we are in series number 4. For those of you that have been following we covered the first series for the physical body. I did about 8 episodes and it was all about how Tao Healing works and how you can apply it for your physical body. Then we went into series number 2 on the emotional body, what was the root cause of emotions for everyone. How does it affect your life, how can you transform it, what are the associations of your emotions to your organs, a lot of people don’t know that. And then most importantly how can I apply this wisdom and these principles to bring balance to the imbalanced emotions. That was an 8-episode series, also. And then the third series was on the mind, mindsets, attitudes, beliefs, all of the blockages that can occur with these kinds of things.
If you think about it we could have been taught very unpleasant things by our well-meaning parents or by parents, peers, school systems, belief systems, and those well-meaning things could actually have taken us into a negative path for our soul journey. So, we want to take a look at how those mindsets, attitudes, and beliefs affect us. And we also want to recognize that there’s mental conditions that can occur in our body. For example, schizophrenia or other very high-level mental conditions, Tao Healing looks at those from a completely different perspective than anything you’re going to find out there. So, if you missed any of those first three series make sure you like and subscribe to my podcast and go back and listen to those. They’re also posted on my Facebook page and my YouTube channel. Just type in, “wellspring of light,” you’ll find me. This series we now moved into relationships, and we are now in number 5, podcast number 5 and this is the 5th in the series.
Today we’re going to be focusing on how all of our relationships are actually quantumly entangled. Now that’s a fancy set of words, right? Now what does that mean? We’re going to talk about that today in this podcast. The first time I heard the words quantum entanglement it just went in one ear and out the other and my eyes kind of glossed over because, how do you grasp it?
And, fortunately, my teacher Dr and Master Sha, he is very connected to Source and when he met an individual, her name is Dr Rulin Xiu, about 15 years ago they had met and they happen to both be Mandarin Chinese so there was a nice ability for them to communicate on a more immediate level since that is not, Master Sha’s English is not his original language. And he found out that she was a physics specialist, she had graduated at the top physics university in China and then got the same degree here in America at Berkeley, became a Master of Physics so she’s actually a doctorate of that modality. And he tasked her about, many years ago, about six years ago, excuse me a moment (takes a drink), to find a way to explain Tao Healing from a physics perspective and I’m going to tie quantum entanglement to that because until that time I had no idea how to explain it and I’m probably going to destroy it a little bit today but I think I’ll do a better job than I would have 10 years ago. So, paraphrasing as a layman who is not a physicist at all, quantum entanglement is the connectivity of every soul in all creation.
Now, let’s break that down a little bit since that’s a very big statement. We start out with the first, an original soul, the original creator of all creation and it’s probably not too far to stretch to say that all souls came from the one original soul, I believe everyone will have no issue with that. It has been stated in many belief systems and it is in my belief that we have been given the opportunity to have free will. And, of course, we have the ability to communicate. We communicate with our thoughts from our free will, with our words and with our actions. Every thought, every word and every action creates a pulse, if you will, it creates a signature in this universe of time that we live in.
And if I have a dog next to me that barks, that creates a signature in this time that we are in. If a car goes by and honks its horn, all of these impregnate time with a signature, with a quantum pulse. Everything is connected to the Source. Everything according to the Tao wisdom has a soul so that dog and the car that went by and your thoughts, your thoughts, your words of course and your actions, everything is recorded. Everything puts off a magnetic wave, a frequency according to physics. It doesn’t matter if you acknowledge if it’s alive or not alive, everything puts off a pulse and a frequency and vibration. A leaf puts off a pulse, frequency and vibration. A light that you cannot see puts off a pulse, frequency and vibration so everything, everything, everything in all creation very simply has a signature, it puts off a pulse, a frequency and a vibration.
So, whether you are aware of it or not, sitting there listening to me you have signals, frequencies and vibrations coming through you, they’re coming from the monitor, they’re coming from the auditory you’re hearing, they’re even coming from thing you don’t hear or see like cell phone signals are coming off of your cell phone right now as you’re listening to me. And, thus, your cell phone is talking to the tower saying, “He’s here, she’s here, they’re here,” it’s doing that every second, “they’re here, they’re here” but you don’t see it but that signal is occurring.
So, this is the beginning of understanding of quantum entanglement. How does that relate to relationships? Let’s talk a little bit about that, shall we? So, relationships generally speaking have a couple of different pieces in our pie chart; friend relationships, romantic relationships, co-worker relationships, mother-child-parent relationships (family relationships), and then people in our periphery relationships, people we sort of know at the park, so this whole range of relationship. The relationships that impact us the most are the ones that are closest to us. Those, of course, would qualify as our family and, very likely, our partners or our romantic relationships.
So, narrowing it down to those two, let’s tie quantum reality into that. Quantum entanglement says that if a butterfly flaps its wings over here in Africa that that puts a vibration into the frequency of the entire earth and although that frequency may not be perceptible by you on the other side of the earth it actually does occur, that’s what quantum entanglement says. Closer to home, we don’t have butterflies with our family, right, we have a family we have our actual romantic relationship, partners, the reason according to Tao Healing those relationships, those that we are in right now, this is very important, the reason we our mom, our dad, our brothers, our sisters, our children. The reason we have the romantic partners we have now, the reason we had the previous romantic partners we had, the reason some relationship worked out great and some do not are all connected to this quantum entanglement understanding. Isn’t that interesting? When we take into consideration several other aspects of physics,
I’m going to bring it right back how these people came into your life, in quantum physics there is a process of thinking that they’re still trying to validate with science that time is only specific to the universe that we live in; that there is no past and there is no future, there is just now. I’m not going to go too much down that road because I can’t really explain it all that well. However, all of our experiences are recorded in time. Every thought you have creates a quantum entanglement; every word you say creates a quantum entanglement, and every action you do creates a quantum entanglement. Let’s say that a completely different way: every thought you have affects those people around you whether you know it or not and every word you and every word you speak out loud affects those around you whether you know it or not. And every action you make affects those around you whether you know it or not. So, quantum entanglement and cause and effect are tied together, very important to understand. Many times, a person enters our life, a new romantic relationship and it’s something we’ve been waiting for a long time or we’re begging for, hoping for and then finally they come, why did that happen?
According to physics and quantum entanglement we put out a pulse, an energetic heart pulse, a thought, a prayer, a wish. And we wished to be quantumly entangled with someone in a romantic relationship. We had certain parameters around that because we wrote it down and we talked to our friends about the ideal person and we spoke it out loud and we thought about it out loud and we prayed about it and each time you did that you sent out these waves, just like that butterfly I spoke about. And those waves, they go out and they find that match, they attract the right match. Now, let’s talk about parents, children, brothers, sisters, we didn’t have a choice with them, right, they’re just in our face. If we love them, awesome, sometimes they can be quite challenging. We are also quantumly entangled with them and if you’re having fun with your family, congratulations, it’s a good quantum entanglement. You see, quantum entanglements can be positive or negative or a combination of both. How then did you acquire that parent, that mother, that father, those children, those brothers, and sisters, how did they come into your field? Did you think about them before you were born? Probably not.
This is where in Tao Healing there is a constant conversation of the nature of souls. In the Tao wisdom the one sentence secret that Dr and Master Sha brings is that everyone and everything has a soul. Well, most people can agree that everyone, you and me, have a soul. But the wisdom goes much, much further, it says that everything has a soul, everything tangible, everything intangible, every thought, every word has a soul; your knee has a soul a piece of wood has a soul, everything. And the reason it states that with great clarity is because everything is born and originates from the one original Source. So, whether that spec of energy and matter that is physical or tangible, they’re just sitting there in the emptiness of space, whether you know it or not it came from the Source. Whether you believe it or not it came from the Source and it carries the consciousness of the Source as your thought carries the consciousness, as well. Source knows every thought and so, therefore, everyone and everything has a soul and everyone and everything is, naturally, from the very beginning, quantumly entangled. Everyone and everything from the very beginning is already quantumly entangled.
What’s another way of saying that? We’re all one. But, if you break it down this way we have quantum entanglement with our parents, our children, with our romantic partners, obviously. What about the ex-husband, the ex-wife, the one you’re so happy you’re not with anymore? Are you quantumly entangled with them, still? The answer is yes, but what kind of quantum entanglement is that? If you left in a very unpleasant place and you’ve let them go, I’ve forgot about them, I’ve moved on you are still very quantumly entangled with them. There’s still this negative entanglement going on and that, according to the Tao wisdom, will follow you, it will follow you and it will follow you because it’s in your vibration. You and I and every soul that came from the one original Source we radiate frequency and vibration, consciousness. Every thought, word and action is within our vibration so that ex and you, if you have negativity still or if you have positivity still, you’re quantumly entangled.
Why is this so important to understand? Because, as souls, we all want to have love in our life, we want to be love, have love, be free of all problems forever and find full enlightenment and, yay, be done with this big game of life that can be quite painful sometimes. How do we get there? We need to take responsibility for the entanglements, positive and negative. We can’t just forget them, run away from them, think that we’re past that and we’re done with it. The reason you have parents, the brothers and sisters, the children is because of the entanglements.
Most of us have, if there’s five in our family, probably one of them is not so easy to work with. You have a negative entanglement with that one. You think you’re not going to be with them again next time around and try not to be so unaware, the probability of you having to deal with that same issue, again, whether it’s an unpleasant relationship or a family member is very, very high. So, when you start to understand the nature that everyone and everything was born from the One and we are all naturally quantumly entangled you can start to understand why you have the family you have, the previous and current relationships you have, you can even apply it to the future relationships that you’re looking for and why you might not have them yet. Because if you’ve had difficulty in relationships and you are not finding a good, healthy one yet, again, the Tao wisdom would say could you have created negative quantum entanglement inhibiting others from having healthy relationships? Could you have created conditions in others where you broke up their love?
Could you have created conditions without doing any of that where just in your own head, because of your own thoughts you have a lot of, ‘I don’t deserve…’ thinking processes. Therefore, you put out a signal of ‘I don’t deserve. I’m not worthy’ and no one comes to you because that’s what you’ve asked for. Quantum entanglement works on cause and effect so when we ask for things, we do receive them and what might keep it from coming is our own stuff.
So, it answers a lot of questions, scientifically speaking, physics has a pretty good grip on a lot of things. Now, Dr Rulin is assisting Dr and Master Sha to meld all this with our understanding of the nature of soul. Now, let’s talk about what we can do about this, now that you have this good understanding. What we can do is we can use different forms of Tao Healing and Tao wisdom to transform these quantum conundrums, let’s say, right? We have these relationships, some of them we really like, wouldn’t mind more like that. Some we would rather forget or just don’t know how to fix them, we would love to fix them, we don’t know now. Let’s talk about how Tao Healing would approach that. Master Sha is one of the most renowned healers on the planet and what he shares is when you heal things at the level of soul then everything connected to the soul has to transform. So, what’s connected to your soul?
Your mind, your heart, your body, your emotions are connected to your soul, every part of you is connected to your soul. In fact, your soul is the origin, the root where everything originates from. All the positive, all the negative originates from your soul. As I said a little while ago, you are literally radiating, vibrating frequency and vibration of every positive and every negative thought, word and action from all time, all time. So, that is where you want your healing to go to and what Dr and Master Sha has given to humanity is a high-frequency song, high-frequency art and high-frequency water to help us to transform these blockages. How does it work? Well, everything puts off a frequency and vibration. Negative frequency and vibration can be transformed with high amounts of positive frequency and vibration so the art and the sounds and the mantras and water that he has brought to humanity can help you transform that. So, we’re going to work with the art today.
I have for us to share a Source calligraphy. Now this one that you see on my right, for those on the podcast you’ll have to come to this page on my website to see the art, and this one I’m showing is called Da Kuan Shu. This is the Greatest Forgiveness. Now, forgiveness is a positive quality, it carries a very high frequency. When you think about it your Source Creator is pure love, the Source does not have animosity or hatred or resentment, the Source loves every spec of energy and matter, every cell in its body, so to speak, equally. The Source does not love its right arm but hates its left arm but even though it's so hard to understand the Source loves Hitler no different than the Source loves you because all of these come from the same Source body. So, when we talk about love and forgiveness these are very high positive qualities.
When Master Sha made this Source calligraphy of Da Kuan Shu he placed within it the Source highest frequency and vibration which, when we trace this calligraphy, will come to our soul and transform then negative vibration. The more you trace the more negative vibration leaves and all of a sudden that animosity, that resentment, that anger for that person dissipates. The heart opens up and the resolve comes that needs to come so that you never have to deal with that moving forward.
So, let us work with this calligraphy together. We do this by touching all five fingers together and it might be a little difficult for some of you, just follow the lines, just do the best you can, and as we do this we will also chant ‘Da Kuan Shu’ which is Mandarin Chinese for Greatest Forgiveness. Let us chant, let us trace, let’s connect:
Dear this healing calligraphy of the Greatest Forgiveness, could you please bless my relationship with (choose one person that you have difficulty with) I am so very grateful, thank you!
And now love and light healing frequency will come to that relationship that you requested. Let us begin.
(chanting and tracing)
Da Kuan Shu, Da Kuan Shu, Da Kuan Shu, Da Kuan Shu,
Da Kuan Shu, Da Kuan Shu, Da Kuan Shu, Da Kuan Shu,
Da Kuan Shu, Da Kuan Shu, Da Kuan Shu, Da Kuan Shu,
Greatest Forgiveness, Greatest Forgiveness, Greatest Forgiveness, Greatest Forgiveness,
Da Kuan Shu, Da Kuan Shu, Da Kuan Shu, Da Kuan Shu,
Da Kuan Shu, Da Kuan Shu, Da Kuan Shu, Da Kuan Shu,
Greatest Forgiveness, Greatest Forgiveness, Greatest Forgiveness, Greatest Forgiveness, last round,
Greatest Forgiveness, Greatest Forgiveness, Greatest Forgiveness, Greatest Forgiveness.
So, this is a simple, one of many tools that Dr and Master Sha has brought. In my program. Wellspring of Light, I have a healing program where everyday you can receive healing. You can say, ‘Paul, I need healing for this relationship’ and I will do that for you every day. You can say, ‘Paul, I need healing for my relationship and my finances’ Great! I’m happy to do that for you every day, my membership allows for that. So, there’s many other healers that can serve you, as well, lots of Tao healers. This is my service and what I do and if you have some significant issues, I recommend you book a private consultation with me because we can define the root cause. Remember, always the root cause is at the level of soul. I can help you find that entangled part and unwind it so you do not have that suffering whether it’s in a relationship or in any other aspect of your life because there’s a reason why you have success and there’s a reason why you are suffering. The one sentence secret heal your soul first and the healing and transformation of every aspect of your life will follow.
This is The Healing Source. It has been my pleasure to share this wisdom with you today. If you’ve liked it, make sure you like and subscribe to my podcast, come back to my page, go to my website, and I look forward to seeing you very soon. I’ll be back here again next week. Until then have an awesome day everybody! Bye- bye.