Understanding dimensions & time in relationship to manifestation & success
Hey, Aloha and welcome everyone! Really, really excited to be reconnecting with you this week. It is the 14th of June 2023 as I am doing this podcast. We are in series number five of Tao healing. The first four was for physical then emotional then mental and then spiritual and now we’re into, excuse me the fourth one was relationship, and now we’re into finances and this is season number five of seven. Let me see if there’s seven or eight. Yeah, there’s seven, and I’m so excited because this particular topic on finances, financial wisdom around manifesting with the deeper and higher understandings of the Source has really revealed a lot of very high-level wisdom and information to me.
For those of you that have just stumbled across this for the first time make sure that you subscribe to my podcast, and this is the fifth in this series just on manifestation principles, okay? And the difference between what I am sharing with these manifestation principles is I tie in the very sacred Tao wisdom with it. So, to bring you up to speed, in the last five weeks the first one was the root cause of financial business and success problems. The second week was daily spiritual practices, seven daily spiritual practices to transform finances business and success problems.
The third week in this series was the Tao of creation and manifestation of wealth and success and that was really interesting, that one has some very high-level wisdom in it but a lot of people missed it so make sure you go watch that one. But I had some kind of technical hiccup where people couldn’t come in live, but it was still recorded properly, very interesting. The fourth one was just last week and was the Tao and the, excuse me, the past and its effects on your manifestations. So, the past can absolutely affect our manifestations and that was the topic last week. Today, this week, the topic is quite unique, and it is understanding dimensions and time in relationship to manifestation and success.
So, I’m very excited to share that with you today. Make sure you like, share and subscribe and let other people know about this. I’m sure they would appreciate the value of what will be being shared here today. Welcome Charlene. Welcome Pat. Welcome Kevin and Rosetta, very happy you’ve joined me today live. Feel free to let others know about this.
So, obviously this is the subject of manifestation and when we talk about manifestation most people think about, ‘Well, if I think about it it will come. If I focus enough on it, it will come.’ Manifestation is something that’s over there, it’s outside of me and this is the first part of understanding that’s it’s not true. A lot of what is being released to humanity today is and is finally being accepted is understandings of quantum physics and quantum theory. And I am in no way, shape, or form intelligent in this subject matter but I know just enough to tie it into what I’m sharing with you today and that is that all possible, all possibilities exist within our vibration. And that has been proven by quantum physics. They’ve done the two-slit theory and they can see that any of the possibilities exist, but it is what you focus on that causes that possibility that’s in the space to instantly manifest.
And when I say instantly manifest, I mean when, in physics, when they look under those very high-powered devices, electronic devices that can measure the instant manifestation of a proton and then the disappearance of it, and it appeared over here and it always appeared when the put their attention and this represents our abilities as a human being. It has been stated and is true that we all have the ability to create but when we use the word manifestation it tends to put it outside of us so we need to bring it back inside of us because there was an entire school of thought which, personally, I believe that we are able to create anything and everything that we allow our field to connect to. So, if we wish to experience an unpleasant relationship and if an unpleasant relationship is on our vibration, then that is what we will experience.
Just like what we focus on in the quantum physics experience, if we wish financial abundance in our life then that’s what we want and that is what manifest in our life, as well. It’s instantly there, you have heard this before, it’s instantly there. Why, then, do we not see it? This brings us to dimensions and time. In the understanding to the best of my ability to comprehend and explain it to you which I promise you will go through a metamorphosis over time as it has up to this point, what I know now, what I can share now is significantly more than what I knew a year ago, 1o years ago, etc., and I am very confident it will go through mor maturity and shift with time.
However, let’s talk about dimensions for a second and tie in manifestation, wealth, and abundance and success. Dimensions are different layers of frequency. You and I and the television screen or the telephone screen that you’re watching me through that’s made of plastic and possibly glass or any number of materials are operating in frequencies. How does the frequency of a cell phone get from you to your friend two thousand miles away through multiple brick walls? Through frequency. Can you see that frequency with your physical eyes? No. Most of us cannot but it still is there. Can you see the microwave frequency when it heats up the water? No, but it happens. So, frequencies exist whether we can validate them with our five senses, or not. This is the first thing to understand, there is a range of frequencies from the most low, zero, to the most high which, probably, cannot be understood or explained by us and in this range of frequencies exists life, life that you and I have no idea of.
So, frequencies and dimensions are, in essence, the same thing. That brings us to time. Time is what is experienced depending on what frequency you are in. If you operate in a frequency or dimension that is of a higher vibration than what you can access through your five senses then when you experience those higher frequencies or higher dimensions the concept or construct of time simply goes away. And we’ll touch more on that when it comes to manifestation, on that subject. But, for now, stay with me. So, you an dI are in this human realm, we’re in what’s referred to as the third dimension. Just think of it as a certain vibrational frequency, okay? And in this vibrational frequency we have all had intuition and we have this insight and then it happens, okay? So, that was a sense beyond our five senses such as sight, feeling, smell, sound, okay?
We tend to validate life by our five senses because we validate life by our five senses we stay in the realm of time. The intuitional thought, on the other hand, did not care at all about time, it just flew in and, sure enough, it validated itself out, this is an additional sense. It’s additional quality that came through a higher frequency channel that all humans have, every human is built the same, we’re all connected to the same Source. We’re all connected to the same earth and within this frequency range we have opportunities to elevate our frequencies. The higher wisdom teachings out there highly recommend becoming quiet, going into silence, no thought, and in that space there is a possibility of elevating our frequency and vibration. It is when we operate in the five-sense world and get dragged down by everything; social media and negative news, polluted foods, polluted air, polluted water, and that keeps us in a lower frequency vibration, a lower dimension. It has also been stated and is true that the entirety of earth and all its inhabitants are moving through and into a higher frequency or a higher dimension. There are at least one million different perspectives just on that alone.
I will share with you the one my teacher has shared which is that the movement from third to fourth dimension, or another way of saying that the movement of the current frequency we are operating into one that is of a higher, a more aligned, more love-based frequency, is no instant, okay? There are people out there, a lot of them say it’s instant, it will just be ‘whoop’ and, you know, or happily ever after into a much higher frequency, Kumbaya. I personally don’t believe that just because my sense is that that’s not a truth and my teacher has stated a similar thing, but I had my teacher’s belief before he stated it, it just helped me to feel more comfortable with it. Either could be right, nobody’s right, nobody’s wrong, the point here is we live in an ongoing bath of frequencies. The Source, your Creator, my Creator is at the pinnacle of these frequencies and you and I are all on this pathway back to Source, that’s frequencies and dimensions.
What is time? Time is a construct of this third dimension. We have an experience where we have a thought or we sense or smell something, we want something and then between this moment and a moment that we call tomorrow or next week or next year show up to us as time in this third dimension. There is plenty of proof out there, real life, real people, third dimensional people that put their hand out and something manifests in their hand. Great swamis in India have done this, okay? It’s been documented so instant manifestation is possible but, in this realm, but what happens is our mindsets, our attitudes, our beliefs is what limits what we actually experience. Those that live at a higher frequency, a higher dimension do not have the mindsets, attitudes, and beliefs that we do. They do not have the same five senses that we do, therefore, imaging someone from their birth being told from the moment of birth instant manifestation is just natural. Whatever you think comes, that’s what that child would believe and, therefore, that’s what would happen because they were never told anything different.
They would then operate in a higher frequency and dimension from that moment forth. That’s, in essence, how those that are higher frequencies for the shortest version I can give you operate, they don’t have a negative construct that says it takes time for something to manifest. Time is not horizontal. What do I mean by that? Time is not past, present, future, that is a third dimensional belief, doesn’t mean it’s true. If you can go back to what is dimensional, it is vertical. We have lower frequencies, our frequency and then higher frequencies and sources up here so time is actually a vertical line not a horizontal like. What makes it appear to us as a horizontal line is each moment we have a new experience, therefore, we believe it’s horizontal but, in essence, we are only having one time. And that time is now, this moment in time is the only time we have. The past is simply a remembrance of a moment that happened, you know, back there in our construct but it was just a moment. It is a memory, it is no longer a fact, it is simply an experience that remained in our vibration. It was an experience that remained in our vibration.
Now, you are witnessing me, you are listening to me, it is an experience that will remain in your vibration and if I start talking about monkeys on a tree now, in this next moment, it will be an experience in your vibration. Every experience in your vibration is created by what we witness or a thought, a thought can be something that you witnessed in the past, a thought can be something you think about in the future. We talked about this last week, if you missed it go back and listen to past and future and how it impacts our manifestations. So, time is now only because in this moment we tend to pontificate on past or future, we validate past and future in this construct of the third dimension. Manifestation and success and instant manifestation and success can be shortened. The, what we call time between now and the time it shows up can be shortened by reducing past and future concepts, past and future thinking, by staying in the now in this vertical line and raising our frequencies we reduce the gap between what we request and what is manifest because we go back to quantum physics.
It is instantly there the minute we think about it, the minute we desire it it is instantly there. It is also instantly not there at the minute we have a few, a doubt, a past thought, a future thought that is not in alignment with what we requested. I’ll repeat it a different way, when you make a request, if you were that child that was taught that everything instantly manifest, that would be their truth, therefore, that was what would happen. That is true for you today as it is for a child born today that is taught that if that child never entered this physical world, lived in a box and was taught you can instantly manifest anything that child would be able to do so, why? Because that’s the frequency that they would experience.
The moment they enter a human field they would see that people think differently, have five senses, don’t believe what they were taught and, therefore, that that frequency would devolve to where we’re at. So, we are in the process of making ourselves similar to that child in that we want to be in total control of our thoughts. Negative thoughts, words, of course, actions create in the moment what we don’t want, and it stays in our field. Positive thoughts create, of course, what we do want, and it stays in our field so every moment is your opportunity to, in a linear moment, raise your frequency.
Master Sha, my teacher, some of you might have the same teacher, some of you might not that are listening to this years from now, he spends his entire time teaching his student base his very high level student base to always watch their thoughts, words and actions, always. And to elevate their frequency by bringing their vessel, their five senses, into a higher frequency and vibration through calligraphy, through song, through mantra, through healing, whatever it might be. He’s teaching us to be in the moment and to become more and more quiet because the mind chatter sways us past-future-past-future-past-future.
In the present moment, in silence we can be in that higher frequency. We are literally already in it, we are already in that channel, it’s not that we can’t go from the third to the fourth floor, it’s not that we can’t go from third dimension to the fourth or the fifth, or whatever, we can. We can be there instantaneously. It is that we are commandeered by all of the negativities external to us and all of the negativities existing in our personal vibration. If that’s new information to you go back to the beginning. At the very beginning of my podcast, I talk about how we are impacted by positive and negative vibrations. I do into great detail, and I explain all that in our physical, emotional, mental bodies we are a culmination of every negative thought or action from this in all lifetimes.
It remains in your field and we have external things, negative news, bombarding our field so no one’s saying this is an easy experience to operate in and no one is saying that to be in the moment and to manifest instantly is easy, not saying that. Saying it is much easier than doing ot. The reason it is not so easy is because we’re literal bombarded on a moment-to-moment basis, it doesn’t change the truth that we live in one linear moment, one vertical moment. So, tomorrow you will still have in your field everything that you learned today and everything you’ve ever thought from the past, good and negative, it will still be in your field. Your role to mor to manifesting and success faster and faster and faster is the internal agreement to be the steward of your thoughts, to disallow negative thoughts from the past, or fear, worry-based thoughts into the future in this moment. That’s your role, that’s your only job.
If you can watch those and the key is to not shove them aside or disregard them, you have to be cognizant that the reason that fear thought cam forward or that memory of the past that keeps bothering the heck out of you came forward is because it’s in your vibration. It got into your vibration because we have created a similar vibration for others. We could whether we remembered or not could have caused a fear or worry-based vibration for others, therefore, it’s in our field. We could have had a trauma from the past that we have not resolved, therefore, it’s in our field. So it will keep coming up to you, don’t deny it and don’t shove it aside, use the Tao healing tools that have been taught. I covered that physical healing, emotional healing, mental healing, go back, watch the recordings again because by applying those wisdoms you can be present and in the present, you can be quite, not bothered by this mind chatter.
When you are quiet, not bothered by this mind chatter you can focus on what it is you want, you can much more easily and readily manifest what it is you want. It is when you’re being swayed any direction other than center it’s hard to focus on that. Now, when you focus on it, when you focus on it it is very important to empower it. Focusing on it is like sitting in the Maserati but that Maserati is not going to go anywhere until you hit the gas pedal. The gas pedal of manifestation is emotion. It will manifest negative for you if you use negative emotion, but it will manifest positively for you when you use happy, aligned emotion to what it is you’re wanting.
All of us want success and money and, you know, the best relationship. We all want these things, who doesn’t want that? And yet it still doesn’t come. Many of you have traced Da Ai calligraphies, financial calligraphies and, yet it still doesn’t come. You are not being responsible, you are living in the past or if you’re a worry-based future because that bill is in front of you today because that phone call is in front of you today so you give it attention. The key is to not give whatever shows up in your day-to-day attention. If it’s in your vibrational field you give it love, you say thank you because everything has a soul, every thought has a soul, positive and negative, every physical thing that shows up in your world has a soul and every soul is trying to serv you.
Again, if this is new information go back and watch the previous podcast, it explains all this. When you recognize that everything that enters your field that is not supportive of your manifestation and success is a soul and it is trying to serve you then you can say, ‘Ah, give it love, step one. Step two, I love you, thank you for your service (it’s trying to serve you. I see that you’re trying to share with me that fear is present and that helps me to understand that it’s possible that I or my ancestors have created fear around ABC to others, that’s why it’s in my field. Please forgive me, please forgive my ancestors having created this emotion, this thought, this experience and anybody else’s field I deeply, deeply apologize. I will now chant a beautiful mantra to help transform this negative message and offer gratitude for teaching me this lesson. Thank you!’
That’s not shoving it away, that’s recognizing its service to you and in that moment, you have eliminated or reduced a vibration in your field that separates you from center, that separates you from this moment. When you do that, you raise your dimensional frequency and you eliminate the constructs of time. Life is a series of moments, I didn’t invent that, you’ve read it in some paper somewhere, it doesn’t’ make it any less true. When we utilize our moments with the greatest consciousness, we have the opportunity to shorten the gap of what we currently call time in that manifestation and that success. When we pause, meditate, visualize, get clear on what it is you want, whatever it is, get clear on it, you do not, this is the key, understand this, you do not have to know how it’s going to happen.
Write it down, I do not have to know hot his is going to happen, that’s not my job. Write it down, it’s not your job to know how it’s going to happen. Whose job is it? It’s the Sour, that’s where you’re from. Source can create everything. It’s ego if we think we have to know how it’s going to happen. Get your ego out of the way. My job is simply to know what it is I want and then to hit the gas pedal of that Maserati of what I want with emotion, with the emotion of relief in the case of financial blessings, with the emotion of excitement, with the emotion of enjoyed feeling of having your own place, your own home, your own fully loving relationship, whatever it is. The more time you bathe in that emotion the manifestation that you requested is coming to you, coming to you, coming to you, coming to you, Now, again, if you’re in a higher instant, a higher dimension, if you weren’t bogged down by negative thoughts or actions it would come to you instantly but we’re still bogged down by third dimension so it’s coming to you, coming to you, coming to you and you can shorten that gap of time through positive emotion.
That’s the gas pedal to appropriate manifestation but I can tell you from personal experience it’s hard it is hard to hold that focus, it is hard for some of us swimming at clear and what it is we want, why? Because of the negative vibration in our field. We may have contributed to others not having their success, their manifestations, we may have contributed to others and telling me you’re never going to succeed, you know? You were born into a poor family, you’ll always be poor, whatever it is. We could or our ancestors could have said to others, could be causing us to have a great difficulty just focusing on what we want just being positive in that focus that is true doesn’t make it any less plausible. We simply need to be responsible. When those vibrations come up we reduce them or eliminate them through the Tao healing methods, through the forgiveness practices, through the calligraphies, through the songs and mantras, through our healing abilities if we have them and we just stay focused on that.
The key in every moment, stay away from future, stay away from past, when they come up deal with them, go back to your intended manifestation, add emotion. What’s the rule? 80 percent. What you want will come to you relatively quick and relatively consistently when you can shift your consciousness about 80 percent of the time. That doesn’t mean you’re focusing on your percent of time because you’re way busy doing life and family and everything else that means whenever you catch yourself in a though that is past or future, that is not serving you, you instantly, even if it’s for 30 seconds, you instantly default to your predetermined, predefined positive intention. That’s why it’s so important to writ it down and get clear on ti because when you have that predetermined thought and intention and when you’re clear on the emotion connected to it that negative can come up, you can process it as I’ve just described and you can say, ‘thank you for your services, negative thought. I love you! I’m actually feeling like I no longer need you in my vibration and I ask forgiveness for having brought that same kind of negative thought to anyone, anywhere in time and I will now send you healing so you can dissolve and I’m going to go to my happy space with my predetermined thought on manifestation and I’m going to spend 30 seconds just empowering it.’
And that is how you work with dimensions and the understanding of time and its relationship to dimensions and for those of you that came in a little late I encourage you to go back. This is the current level of understanding that I have now, and I will continue to grow this and put it out there as I learn more. I apply what I’m teaching you, it absolutely does work. I have used it specifically for manifesting finances earlier this, I, you know, I tend to have a gap in my finances between the 10th of the month and the 30th of the month and so I said, ‘I need to generate 5 thousand dollars between now and the 30th of the month’ I didn’t know how it was going to happen, remember, it’s not your job to know how it’s going to happen, let go of, ‘I want this bright, shiny, red truck but I have to d ABCD to get the bright, shiny red truck,’ that’s not your job, it’s Source’s job. Your job; focus, apply the positive. So, I did that, I did my job and I can tell you that I have already achieved all of that. Now, it’s all gonna go to a specific loan that I have to pay down, but it helped me get out of hot water, that’s how fast manifestation can work. I’m not any more special than you, I’ve had the same exact struggles as all of you, I still have the same exact struggles but I’m teaching you what I know works because I’ve been paying attention.
So, I hope this assists you. Make sure you go back and listen to it again, there’s a lot of aha moments in here. I suggest you go back and listen to this entire series on finances and if you missed the other ones on physical health, emotional health, mental and relationship there’s a lot of gems in all of those. I look forward to serving you. Make sure you like and subscribe. If you haven’t been to my website, wellspringoflight.com, please come check it out.
For those of you that are new to this and I’m talking to most of you that tare not familiar with Tao healing I have a membership program that is truly amazing. It sits somewhere between $75-150 a month and it includes daily healing, it includes five 30-minute practices and includes a half-hour consult with me. Collectively that’s about a $300 value, you get it for about a hundred bucks a month. So, I encourage you to go check that out. I have 40 or so students that have been there for, like, eight months now, they just love it. So, until next time have an awesome day. Bye-bye everybody!