How our definitions of life determined our manifestations & success
Welcome, everybody! Thank you for joining me today. My name is Paul Fletcher and this is The Healing Source. So, I’m very excited for today’s podcast. We’re getting close to wrapping up this series on manifestation, finances and success. This will be the sixth in the seventh, one, two, three, four, five, six, yeah, this is the sixth in a total of seven parts in this series. Next, we’re going to do a wrap up, okay? Put it all together and in this series I have covered some very, very important, fundamental aspects to creating great success in your finances and then you’re flourishing.
If you are new to the entire concept of Tao healing, Tao wisdom, any of the teachings and wisdoms to bring forth health, wellness and happiness in your life then you should go back to the beginning of my podcast and listen to at least the first three in that. It sets a foundation for all the different teachings that I offer. In these podcasts I cover emotions, wellness, health, relationships, a lot of different aspects that I cover in the earlier episodes. Today I’m going to be focusing on a very unique and very rarely talked about aspects of manifestation with your success and your prosperity and it has to do with how we define everything that we witness. Everything that happens in our physical life, everything that we witness, everything that we see, hear, everything that we smell, all of our five senses are defined and today I’m going to talk about how those definitions can affect, either positively or negatively, your success, your prosperity, your manifestations, okay? So, it’s a very unique and interesting subject and so that’s what you can expect.
Today, for those that have no attended the previous five sessions I covered what is the root cause of financial business and success problems, the next week, about four weeks ago, I covered the daily seven daily spiritual practices to transform your financial business and success problems. Then I covered the Tao of creation and manifestation of wealth and success and in that teaching, the third teaching, I shared my teacher Master Sha’s chart on creation and reverse creation and I tied that wisdom into manifestation and success. And the fourth week in this series I spoke about the past and the future and its effects on your manifestation. Last week, very interesting week, I spoke about dimensions and time and the relationships of dimensions and time to your manifestations and success and today I’m focusing on how are definitions of what we see, smell, hear, touch, taste, we define all these in a certain way through the lenses of our rose-colored glasses and that definition will also affect your manifestation and success. Next week I’m going to put them all together, okay?
So, very exciting times. Welcome Charlene, welcome Maureen, welcome Linda, welcome everybody else who has joined me today. So, let’s go ahead and jump right in, shall we? Stop and think about how do we define anything. If we are born into a family that says, ‘Green people are amazing! You can always trust a green person but orange people, never trust an orange person’ then that is the definition that we hear, that is the definition we believe. When we smell pool or a septic tank we define that as, ‘Oh god, disgusting!’ that’s our definition, literally. When I was in Korea and I smelled the trash can and the stink of the outside in the alley I had an amazing smile on my face, I was overjoyed to smell it. I could smell the kimchi being made in the restaurant upstairs and in that moment when I was smiling and overjoyed it was because I could smell in that moment.
Prior to that moment and 99.9 percent of my life my sense of smelling, my olfactory senses had been greatly diminished but in that moment my sinuses were working, my smell was working so I had a joyful reaction response to smell. My definition of this stinky alley was, ‘Thank God!’ Other people’s definition of something stinky is, you know, usually not that kind of response. Our definitions of relationships affect our manifestations. Our definitions of money affects our finances and success. Our definitions of time affects our finances and success. Our definitions of the Source and my relationship to the Source affects my finances and success. My definition of my own worth and value affects my finances, success. My teacher, first time I saw him do this which is about 15 years ago, maybe 12 years ago, water was spilled on the stage. The audience, four or five hundred people, you know what his definition of that event was? ‘Wonderful! Financial blessings!’ I had never heard that before, I would bed that nobody in the audience had ever heard that before.
Why am I telling you this? His definition of spilled water was entirely different of the other 500 people in that room. It was a terrible thing but because of his definition that was spilling water creates financial success everybody in that room had great alignment to that teacher, started adopting that same definition so guess what happened? Every time they spilled water they changed a previously negative perception to a positive perception. Now, it goes much deeper than that, so much deeper. When I was in Thailand recently, I was practicing this exact understanding and the thing, the reason I’m bringing this up is it ties into everything you and I already know about manifestation. We know applying it is different but we know that when we focus on something the propensity of that something we’re focusing on happening is very high.
That’s why we have a lot of unpleasant things happening in our life, health, problems with our money, whatever it might be because we focus on fear or worry or concern and, therefore, that’s what happens. So, we know that we do our best to focus on more positive things, right? You’re doing your best, I’m doing my best but the definition of everything impacts the outcome. So, a typical day we wake up, maybe wake up late, we define that as a bad thing so then we go into the kitchen and we burn the toast, we define that as a bad thing because we’re rushing now because we’re behind time and then we’re in traffic on the way to work so we could be late, so we define that as a bad thing and we bring more worry and fear into that day. Then we arrive at work late and we’re 100% sure the boss is going to yell at us and, of course, they do because we were 100% sure of it.
Then we go throughout the day a little bit off, throughout the entire day maybe you have a little acid indigestion, maybe you go to get your favorite food downstairs at your deli but there’s a really long line because you couldn’t get there in a timely manner because somebody called you and asked you do to a chore up in the office and you didn’t’ get it done in time and so now you’re in this very long line and you’re complaining, the person next to you is complaining. Look at how you’re defining that day? Well, that’s normal, Paul, that’s just how anybody would react and respond, right? I mean, if you’re late of course you’re gonna be a little upset and if you’re in traffic of course you’re gonna be a little upset and of course you’re going to think ABC. ABC is the big lie, it’s the big lie you and I are programmed from birth, to think the way other people have taught us to think.
What do you think television is since 2014? The American administration legally allows the news to give you propaganda so you actually don’t know what’s true and what’s not true so we can, our definitions can be altered, changed, manipulated. Everything is what we allow in our perception, how we define stinky alley, how we define water spilling, how we define a child’s screaming, how we define the day that we’re walking through and the moment we’re walking through absolutely affects everything. Going back to Thailand, when I was there I was blessed to be in a car, you know? Every other day we take a little trip to get out of the little village I was in. I decided that every time I saw a banana tree it meant money was coming into my life, a specific amount of money, the smaller tree it was only worth $500. The bigger tree, it was worth $1,000 and the mind can say, ‘Yeah, right, you can think that all you want but it’s not going to come!’ but the laws of manifestation are immutable, what you focus on is what you receive.
The only thing that gets in the way of the receiving is you and your negative information. So, maybe you have some negative information from previous lifetimes that have affected your ability to have positive but maybe you don’t, maybe it’s just you not having the right positive mindsets and our definitions affect that. You can change anything to be a positive, there is nothing you cannot make a positive if that’s what you decide. You can get up in the morning late and go, ‘Awesome! Somehow this is going to cause me to have a positive benefit today. I don’t know what it’s going to be, interesting to find out.’ And on your way to work you’re still late and instead of freaking out and going into, ‘Oh my God, my boss is going to do ABC!’ if I say how awesome this is, even the traffic is backed up, ‘Neat!
This is going to be fun to see how this one blesses me and benefits me’ and then you arrive at work late you find out that your boss was also late because he was in the same traffic, so he doesn’t even know you’re late and it really didn’t matter. So, how much stress did you save yourself there because you had the right energy, okay? I said my boss was not even here on time, either, and still I don’t even know how this is going ot positively benefit me and you go through the day and you go to that same deli and the person in front of you pays your bill because he’s doing a pay-it-forward you’re like, ‘How awesome is that positive energy coming my way!’ Everything you react and respond to, the way you react and respond to your day is predefined by what you have accepted as your truth. You can change that, I can’t but you can, and all it requires is you to have an intention to change everything, to somehow serving you. I’ll repeat this differently, we all, shouldn’t say we all but the vast majority of us want success and prosperity, we want that golden nugget at the end of the rainbow, we want that bright, shiny house and the white picket fence, we want that beautiful, wonderful relationship, we want ABC but we don’t know how it’s going to happen.
We just know it hasn’t happened yet, dang it, because we’re not paying attention to our energy and what we bring into manifestation. If we’re , which I’ve already talked about earlier in the previous sessions, if we know what we want and we’re clear enough what we want we don’t have to know how it’s going to happen. Be clear on that, I talked about this earlier if you missed it go back and watch it, you do not have to know how you’re going to have that success, how you’re going to heal from that health condition, you don’t have to know how you’re going to find that love of your life, you don’t have to know how you’re going to have this great financial or business success, you don’t have to know how.
That is a definition issue, that is a definition that says I have to do ABC to get D, that is not true, that is what you’ve been told but it is not true. What is true is you need to be clear on what it is you want and you need to apply emotion and excitement to what it is you want as if it is already complete and you let go of the control of how it’s going to get there and between the time it arrives and this moment your role and your job is to assist everything, to not get in the way of that happening including your mindsets, attitudes and beliefs and to pay attention to your definitions.
So, we go back to the day we wake up late, ‘Awesome! I have no idea how this is going to help me to have this career path I’ve chosen where I’m hired and get paid this much and I have my white picket fence and a lovely husband or wife, but I just know it’s going to!’ And on your way to work when you’re stuck in traffic, ‘Awesome!’ I don’t know how, it’s no different, honestly, it’s no different than the water spilled, ‘Oh my God!’ says 500 people, one person say, ‘Financial blessings!’ but because that one person had great respect and admiration by those 500 people, instantly they believed him. Now there’s no truth or not truth to it, what makes it true? Because he’s a master? Because he said so? Because I said so, it’s because you say so is what makes it true. That’s what made it true, if he said it and you said, ‘I don’t believe it’ guess what would happen? When you spilled water next, if you didn’t believe it you would not have financial blessings but if you did believe it you would.
So, it’s always about what you believe and how you define things and it’s no different than when you bring this attitude to every moment in your life. We feel our life is so much fear, worry, concern, complaining, ‘Oh, ABC happened, therefore, this must be the end result!’ Negative, negative, negative. Why? Because somebody taught me that so it must be true. Why? Because I’ve accepted that as true so it must be true, it’s not. You and I and all humanity, possibly all souls, I don’t know the rules for those outside of this earth but I do believe and know that the rules are we are all creators, we are co-creators of our reality, whatever we accept is true is true. We’re so busy controlling that we fail to understand that the Source is what we are living in. I am within doubt, doubt was within me, I swim within the Source, the Source swims within me.
I am the fish in the ocean, the ocean is in me, it’s in my cells, my gills, my everything and I swim in that ocean. You cannot be separate from Source because Source is not separate from you. You are one of the Source, in other words, you are not allowing the Source to deliver to you what you want because you are too busy defining and controlling, you don’t even realize you’re defining because you’ve been taught it your whole life. You don’t even realize you are defining because you’re defaulting to whatever you’ve been taught. If you’ve been taught water spilling means financial blessings and you believe it, congratulations! If you have been taught every time a bird poops on your shoulder it’s good luck, how many of you have heard that one right? You can define what you believe so my encouragement to you is to start being purposeful and conscientious.
Here's how it will look, I’ll remind you again, step one, write it down. Spend 15 minutes every day, get clear on your desired end result, do not worry about how it will happen. Choose something your mind will not have disagreement with if you ask. If you believe your desired end result is 10 million dollars but every part of you says, ‘No, it’s not going to happen!’ choose something that’s more plausible that you can accept. I believe that a thousand more dollars a month can find me, I truly believe that. I need it, I wanted it, I desire it, that’s what I believe. You don’t have any resistance, great, that’s where you go.
That’s step one, choose something that’s plausible that you don’t have to know how you’re going to get there, choose. Step two, spend in that 15 minutes emotion, emotion, ahhh, that feels so good to be with the love of my life, we’re doing this, we’re doing that, they’re giving me a massage, we talk, we trust, there’s love, there’s respect. If it’s money, ah, extra thousand, oh, this bill’s paid, that bill’s paid, it was so good, oh my God, I love those extra money it just makes my life so much easier. And you bathe in that relief, okay? If it’s success in your business, see yourself, you know, giving everybody handshakes and everybody patting you on the back saying, ‘Amazing success! I’m so happy for you!’ you know your parents, your peers, everybody is saying, ‘Wow, you’re doing great!’ and bathing in that emotion, that’s step two. Okay, step three pay attention to your definitions. Let’s do a step before three and four, okay? So, in between three, so you know you have this default, right?
You now you have, you open your mailbox and there’s a $300 bill and you go, ‘Oh my God, how am I gonna do this? Oh my God, how am I gonna do that?!’ Remember, you define is that bill a positive or a negative? You are also, the minute you go into all ‘My Gods’ you are moving into control, you’re moving into an unpleasant emotion so define what that bill means. Awesome, I know that every time I’d get a bill, I did this. Also, when I was in Thailand, every time I get a bill, every time I pay that twice the amount of money comes to me I don’t know how it’s going to happen I just know that every time I spend money on anything, or coffee, every time I spend money on a friend, every time I spend money on gas, magically, heaven just brings me until I see him out, it’s just awesome and it’s easy to go into that mental emotional space.
It might take a little practice, but you’ve now converted that automatic pre-programmed negative response to something positive because you defined it differently, you gave it a different definition and you can do that with absolutely anything that might trigger the negativity. Take relationship, right? You’re going through the old pictures of the old one that left you, the one that got away and you’re in your heartfelt pain space. ‘I’m so grateful because this one, obviously they didn’t want me’ If you want to release pain in your heart about an ex, someone that you love, they didn’t want you, otherwise they wouldn’t have left you can have a list of all the positives and all the negatives but, ultimately, they didn’t want you, therefore, they didn’t deserve you and they left space for the right one to come to you. I am redefining what I’ve been taught, it wasn’t anything about me, I, just, they didn’t want me so I don’t really want them, I want somebody who wants me. Since they didn’t want me that’s not my problem, somebody else out there does, they actually did me a favor.
Who wants to spend the rest of life with somebody who doesn’t want me? Excellent, thank you. You throw away those pictures, burn those pictures, much easier to move on, you could say every time I see a rose, every time I see a rose that’s one step closer to the love of my life coming to me. Every time I hear a bird chirp, every time there’s another one my love is coming closer to me. There’s another one, my love is coming closer to me. Doesn’t that feel better than woe? Which one, you want, how do you want to define your experiences? You are in control of it unless you default to everybody else’s beliefs that you have chosen to accept. So, follow these steps when something pops up in the day which invariably it does, catch yourself and don’t go down that default road. See it, remember your positive visualization, the positive thing you chose. Remember those emotions and take that event that you’ve predefined as negative and redefine it as positive and pop back into that positive experience.
And by doing this consistently throughout your day, throughout your next week, throughout your month you will bring forth some or all of what you’ve requested and the some or all is simply dependent upon how much time did you put into that emotion? How much time did you put into that defaulting to something more positive? How much time did you put into focusing on the negative, right? Now, the thing about this, I have told you nothing that isn’t common-sense and of value to you. The dilemma is we are so programmed to react and respond a certain way, add the negative information on our field, tends to mess with this a certain way so we need to be consistent, we need to be, we need to love ourselves enough to be consistent. For some of us that’s putting those things on all of our mirrors, our refrigerators and our doors, turn everything into a positive, everything. My mantra is everything is what’s the word I use, ‘Everything is conspiring to serve my desires.’ Doesn’t matter what it is, everything is conspiring to serve my desires now. It’s so fun to play with that. It’s so fun to work with that and hold on to that when something happens you say, ‘Pap’s building my lap, that’s awesome! Somehow this is bringing forth what I’ve requested’ and I go back into my positive emotion and see that thing coming, ‘Thank you, heaven!’
When you let go of the control of how you’re going to get something, when you let go of the control heaven will bring to you what your desired focus is in very strange ways much faster than you could ever do it on your own through your control mechanisms, much, much, much faster and when it comes Heaven’s way it could look negative, you might be asking for a million dollars and actually believe you’re going to get it and you get fired. ‘Oh my God!’ The one who’s awake and aware says, ‘Wow, seriously, unexpected and, yeah, I’ll have to be, you know, a little more tight with my money between here and there but, obviously, this is positioning me to have that million dollars. Something’s going to open up and now I’ll have the time for it. Maybe I can’t get it from this job and something different will pop up, the right people and then I can have that.’ Or you can just wallow in pain for two weeks, four weeks, five months, Heaven will bring to you things in ways that you do not expect, have no attachment to how things happen, define anything that might be shocking as Heaven is helping me to get to where I need to be. That’s letting go of control, that’s letting Heaven do their job, that is positive manifestation, that is defining your experiences to get the end result that you desire.
Okay, great to see you hear David, Linda, Kat Hutton, Aloha, great to see everybody here. Those that came in late you missed some good gems at the beginning, make sure you go back and watch this. This is number six in the seven series I’m gonna wrap up next week. Make sure you go to my website,, sign up for the podcast there, there’s so much wisdom in these podcasts, priceless. If you need healing, contact me, I do services, I did excellent consultations, check the akashic records, really good at what I do. I’ve got a membership program, gives you daily healing, every day. Every day I do healing for you every day, who has time to heal themselves every day? I do it for you and I do practices five times a week, I even give you a consult as part of the membership, it’s an amazing package. Go check it out So happy that I could be the one to deliver this information. I will finish by saying it’s a marathon not a race, it’s a very high probability you’ll fall off the horse five times a week meaning you’ll forget and default into some form of negativity, you pull your bootstraps up, pull your big boy pants on, put your baseball had back on your head, get back on the horse and drop back into that positive emotion. Keep redefining, keep changing, okay? Gotta remember we’re trying to reverse a lifetime of wrong information and we’re trying to reverse our lifetimes of negative karma and that just takes persistency, consciousness and love for yourself, you can do it, we have no doubt. Okay, so until next week, have an awesome day, bye-bye everybody!