Aloha and welcome everybody. Thank you for joining me today on my podcast. My name is Paul Fletcher and this is The Healing Source. So we have reached a milestone today. It is the 10th series Now when I started this over a year ago, I had no idea how long this podcast would last, if it would have any level of success, nor if anybody would be commenting and joining in. And since then we've had great success. A lot of comments, a lot of people enjoying the wisdom. And one of the main reasons that I started this podcast was for the future. My teacher, as all of you know by now, is Dr. and Master Ji Gong Sha. And I have been blessed to train with him for over 15 years now. And prior to that, I did train with two other very advanced, beautiful souls that later on I came to realize were both enlightened beings. And they had their own ways of awakening their students and helping them to see the light, so to speak, to see a path to a higher level of development. Since the age of 18, I have been on a spiritual journey. And that journey has not been easy by any stretch of the imagination. If you are listening to this, then you are very likely on a spiritual journey. Now, a spiritual journey is not like jumping on a boat and going to another shore or another country. It is an entire life. It is a marathon, not a race. And the interesting thing about spiritual journeys is that they are forever.
The reason why they are forever is because we are souls having a spiritual experience in a physical body. So this new series is all about being human. Being a spiritual being in a human experience is maybe the best way to put it. And there's going to be many different facets to this series. This will be the first one out of the previous nine series I have stuck entirely with Master Shah's wisdom and teachings and sharing the how-to's. You know, how to address any issue, whether it's physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, relationship, finances. I cover all of those. I cover just about every aspect of his teaching. to the level that I'm allowed to share because there are many high-level teachings I'm not allowed to share. But I have covered quite a bit of those teachings. And if you missed those earlier podcasts, you are missing a treasure trove of wisdom. I am by no stretch of the imagination near as talented, educated, or wise as Master Shah. I do, however, have unique talent and ability to take those higher level wisdoms and bring them down to an earthly plane, if you will, and make them accessible and understandable. and so as I said a moment ago if you missed those previous nine seasons this whole last year of wisdom and teachings then do yourself the largest favor you possibly can and go back and listen to those they will help you immensely with resolving so many of your life problems and bringing so much more happiness into your life in this series I'm going to break away from those mainstream teachings and I am going to share a lot more about the nature of being a spiritual being in a human body in this human world because there is nothing easy about this there's nothing easy about being this third dimensional cesspool of difficulty You know, we live in a relatively big place, this world, with 8 billion plus humans, countless other beings that are alive here, and by beings I mean animals, I mean fish, and all things aquatic.
That literally makes up 75% of the planet. I mean everything that lives under our ground, including all the bugs and the lizards and the reptilian. And then, of course, there's life that we're not even aware of. I'm aware of life outside of human beings, what we refer to as alien life. But there are so much just on this physical world by itself that can be nothing short of overwhelming. And we spend the vast majority of our life trying to figure out what are we here for? What's the purpose of this life? The first 10, 20, very often 30 and 40 years, to be perfectly frank, we're just getting our tail kicked. It's just not a pleasant experience for a lot of us. It might have its ups and downs in that process. We can have some wonderful school years and maybe some not so wonderful school years. We can have a wonderful upbringing and then have horrible relationships after our upbringing. We can have a terrible upbringing with a terrible mom and dad. Or we could have been an orphan, right? And then the rest of our life is very, very difficult. So, you know, 8 billion souls here, human souls, and I can assure you there are 8 billion quite unique stories, none even remotely the same. So there's a lot going on that can positively or negatively impact our awakening. And ultimately, what I'll be sharing in this series is my observation, my perspective, my opinion, my understanding up to this point of being a human in a spiritual, being a spiritual being in a human world. Now, when I wrote that title, you know, being a spiritual being in a human world, I had it reversed at first, being a human being in a spiritual world. But I realized that that wasn't accurate. What is more accurate is being a spiritual being in a human world. Because about, I would guess, about 95% of humanity is... more lost than awake, more asleep than awake. About 5% are just fully awake.
They realize they are spiritual beings. They realize that this human existence is purposeful to help the spiritual being become a fully awakened spiritual being. And then that, between that 95% and probably somewhere between 75 and 95%, there is a varying degree of awakening that has occurred there. And those people in that range, and again, all of this is my observation, my perspective, my opinion. In that range, my guess is that people are somewhere between 25 and 75% awake. What does that mean? little bit awake that means they know that what they're being told by the media or by their religion or by their teachers or they're questioning it they know something's not right right and they know there's something bigger than them you just don't know what it is or how to get there and they know that there's more to life than work work work play play play, watch tv go to bed they know there's more than that so that's that range between 75 They're not really awake, but they're on the awakening process. And then you have what's left. My observation, probably close to about 75% of this world, is just asleep. And they're living in this physical space, thinking. that most importantly they're thinking that every one of those you know that's probably what about seven six point five billion out of the eight billion left most of them think they're right which they could be because no one's right no one's wrong we're all but the ones that are more asleep not awakened yet not awakened to realize there is a source there is a creator there is something far bigger than them They tend to live in a world that is dominated by patterns of work and sleep and eating and whatever might fill the gaps in between working and sleeping and eating, which is typically not anything associated with aligning to their spiritual journey or aligning to their source creator. So I bring this up in this way because I'm kind of fleshing out what I'm going to speak about in this series.
I was writing out and following flow this morning and I have a list of what I'm going to be talking about today. But it's actually a very large body of information. So for those that have come in a little bit late, what I'm going to be sharing is experiential. A lot of it will be weaving in wisdom and information from Master Shah, as well as validation of some of it from things I had learned along the way. And most importantly, what I wanted to accomplish with this series and this podcast is helping all those that listen to widen their perspective, widen their understanding. It's been my personal experience that if I felt and believed that there was only one path, only one way, only one teaching, only one piece of wisdom, only one of anything, that that actually was quite limiting. It's been my personal experience that I limit myself when I spend my time trying to convince myself or trying to convince others that this is the way, this is the path, this is the solution, this is the wisdom, this is the one and only everything. And if I just do exactly that, then I'll get there. It has been my observation and has been my personal experience that the wider my comprehension and the wider my understanding, the more I allow into my field of understanding, free of judgment and free of criticism, the more accurate my understanding of my spiritual nature is.
So it's curious because the high level wisdom that Master Shah has brought, and I truly believe this, is that we need to let go of knowledge and information. Have no attachment to knowledge and information. Do not add more on a daily basis. Right? Do not add more knowledge. Do not add more information. We want to remove as much of that as possible because in fact that is what's keeping us in a place of a lack of growth and a lack of alignment on our highest spiritual journey path. That's ancient wisdom that has been passed on for eons. And in the same breath, I wish to say that by becoming compassionate and conscientious, of everyone's different belief systems and everyone's different way of thinking and everyone's different dogma and everyone's different perspective and being much more flexible on avoiding self-righteousness. Basically widening the consciousness instead of narrowing the consciousness. That's different than knowledge. Adding more knowledge is not adding consciousness, it's adding temporary information. For example, I can sit here and watch a news TV all day. That is adding knowledge, that is adding information, but that information and that knowledge may or may not be of value to my spiritual journey, and most likely it will cause my mind to become more busy, thereby it will hamper my spiritual journey. whereas becoming conscientious of life outside of earth as a simple example life in earth as a simple example or life within my own vessel like everything has a soul you know like my cells have a soul that those kinds of consciousness elevate the opportunity to be much, much more, in my observation, in my opinion, much more moving towards the consciousness of a fully enlightened being.
Now, to be perfectly frank, I have no idea of the consciousness of a fully enlightened being. The only person I've been close to that has that high level of consciousness is Master Shah. And in my observation of having trained with three enlightened masters now and just keeping my mind quite open to all possibilities as much as I'm able to, it has been my observation that a fully enlightened being is one that lives in this physical world free of all things emotional, free of all mind traps, mind blockages, perceptions, beliefs, dogma, free of musts and haves to and onlys. They tend to be, in my observation, people that are fully enlightened, tend to be very wide open with all possibilities existing. And so when you are a spiritual person, when you are awakened, when you are at that 75% or more, you're in that last 25 percentile, possibly in that last five percentile that is truly fully awake and you know you are a spiritual being you know you are stuck in this physical world you're not unhappy about it you simply want to maximize your spiritual growth while you're in this physical world that's a person who is much more awake a person who they don't see this physical life as a negative they don't degraded or put it down or have angst about it.
They're simply recognized that it's giving them an opportunity to have a spiritual life through physical experiences. Now in the more advanced teachings, snippets of what I can share with you, Master Shah often interweaves various teachings from various doctrine or teachings. Some of it is Buddhist, some of it is Daoist, there's different teachings that are out there that he pulls from. And when he shares that with us, he shares the crossover of the information. And one of the pieces of crossover of information that I can share with you is that when we bring ourselves to any physical experience consciously and see it as something that is trying to assist our soul journey, then that is when you are definitely on the right path. It is when we react, it is when we respond, it is when we act out our place that is filled with emotions or a lot of monkey-mindedness, a lot of irritation, agitation. complaining, blaming, pointing fingers, judgment, all of that. If any of that kicks in, we are absolutely not operating from a spiritual space. We are operating from the physical world. So in order to stay on track of what I wanted to accomplish with today's podcast, I wrote down some bullet points of the challenges of being a spiritual being in a human world. So one of the first things that I would invite each of you listening to this to do is ask yourself, do I consider myself to be a human being awakening to my spiritual consciousness? Or do I consider myself to be a fully conscious spiritual being that recognizes I've got a long way to go and I'm operating in a physical world with a lot of other humans that are very, very not aware. Now, it's not a judgment.
They're just not aware. You have to find out where are you at on that scale, okay? And that's not for me. It's not for you. It's not a layering or a number scale. When you know where you're at, it will assist you with your future process. Now, I've had some personal struggles in this last probably month or two. And they basically have revolved around the inability to apply the things that are known. For example, I know that by getting up at this time and doing a specific practice and then doing Qigong or Tai Chi after, and then eating better, eating very specific better foods, and then doing, let's say, tracing calligraphies for ABC. In other words, I know that common sense things, such as eating well, are important and good to do. I know that doing meditations and dah, dah, dah, dah on a consistent basis every day are going to only assist my soul journey. It's only going to align me more. You probably have a similar set of consciousness and awareness and knowingness, and yet you may have a similar struggle as I do, which is staying consistently on that path, right? Doing it every day, day in, day out, every day. I'm witnessing that because I am a spiritual being in a human world. And in this human world, much like yourself, there are a tremendous amount of distractions, We have relationships. We have common sense things that we have to deal with. We have to pay our bills, right? We got to generate revenue. We got to pay our bills. We have people pulling on us and nibbling on our ear or asking us their opinions or complaining to us. We have all of the trappings of this physical world gnawing at us 24-7. Our sleep can be deprived, it can be affected by who knows what, busy mind possibly. Our food or food choices can be hampered. You might know what's best for you and even have the tenacity to go do it, but you don't have the money to go get those organics.
Or maybe you have the money to go get the organics, but you're just too dang lazy. or you know that you need to meditate, and when you have, it's had great results, but when it comes to it, there's just no oomph, just don't wanna do it. So this is the nature of being a spiritual being in the human form, in this realm. So let's talk about some of the challenges, okay? So the first thing is to just truly acknowledge that you are a soul. You're not Paul. You're not Doreen. Thanks for saying hi, Doreen. The other 10 folks or so that have joined us, thank you for saying hi. What is your name? You are not that name, but we are told that we are. From the moment we come out of the womb, we are told that we are that name. Hence the beginning of our human experience and the beginning of tying us to a physical identification. And then the rest of our life, and in many cases the rest of all of our lives, we are trying to unwind what has been, what we've been tied down to. We are trying to move away from identification. We are trying to move away from anything that tries to pin us down and move towards unlimitedness, a full consciousness of all creation. And it is a very difficult path. When you realize you are a soul having a physical experience, when you move away purposely, consciously, daily, on a moment to moment basis, What is the purpose of this experience for my soul journey? What is the purpose of that person yelling at me? How is this going to help my soul journey? What is the purpose of this bill being in front of me once again creating stress in my life? How can I address this physical world issue with a spiritual world solution? How can I grow from this? And this is the constancy of being a spiritual being in a physical world. Welcome sunlit.
So if you are a spiritual being and this is a co-world, it's highly likely that you are a black sheep in your family and possibly even a black sheep in your community. You could be alone in many ways. Because if you fall into that 5% percentile that is truly awake and aware, they know they are a spiritual being. They know they are being trapped in this physical world and they're maybe not enjoying it as much as they'd like to. And they're doing their best to stay on top of things. You're probably a black sheep. What does that mean? That means... that everyone else thinks you are the one that is off everyone else thinks that you are the one that is missing a few cue right yet and again we have to be free of judgment is a simply observation those that are not awake are the ones that are oblivious that they are here for a reason. And it's not to work. It's not to eat. It's not to have gratification. It's not to watch your favorite TV shows and then repeat the next day. That's not what it's for. And yet, fully 75% of humanity is stuck in that routine. It's highly likely in this lifetime, the more you have woken up that you have lost some friends. Sometimes it's purposeful. Sometimes you just go different ways because there's no longer a common commonality between you. These are also challenges of being, you know, a spiritual person in a human world because it's lonely and it stinks. You know, just call it for what it is. Now, fortunately in the last 10 years, there has been a variety of communities that have grown and I will cover this in other podcasts, the various communities that are out there, my personal observations on them, the values of them, sometimes the trappings associated with them.
I'm gonna cover that in this series because one of the things I wanted to do in this series is, Try to widen the field of consciousness and at the same time assist those that might get trapped in things that could limit your ability to more expediently move your soul journey and align yourself to the heart of the Creator faster. Because there are a lot of spiritual trappings along the way. One could say false teachings. One could say things that are entertainment. They have a high entertainment value. But they don't necessarily have a direct impact on your spiritual journey. And sometimes it could take you away from it. Even though these different things fall within the spiritual realm. As a spiritual teacher, I have had the opportunity to counsel quite a few people. And it's not uncommon that they lose connection with their family members. They are ostracized. They are looked down upon. Even if they're not looked down upon, there's no commonality anymore. And there is some separation between the family members because one has grown in the spiritual journey and the rest are staying there. There's nothing wrong with the family members. They're all in their happy little pod. They're all in their happy little world. But because one is growing and the other three are not, there's like an ostracizing that occurs. And this makes it lonely as well. There are those who are asleep and do not realize, they just don't even realize that their every thought, their every word and their every action affects their current life and their future life. Oblivious to that. There's a lot of people. There are those that are awake and know this truth, but still struggle.
Okay, so you might be in that category. You're awake. You know that your thoughts, words and actions affect your current and your future. But, you know, we still struggle along every day. It's a struggle, right? Being awake forces you as a spiritual being to purify. And this is a word that needs a little deeper explanation. Purification and purifying is the releasing or letting go of the trappings of the physical world. What are those trappings? The physical attachments, the foods, the emotional attachments. I love my anger. I love my resentment. I love my being right. I love my grief and sadness. I love my depression. I love my whatever it is, not emotion, the monkey mind. Those are trappings, the mind. The mind knows everything. If I can't analyze it and get a yes out of the analysis, then it doesn't exist. So all of these can be trappings for the person on the spiritual journey, even if they're awake. So purification is about seeing, being with, something that has injected itself into your life whether it's from inside your mind or your emotion or something from outside a war a news experience somebody complaining to you witnessing an atrocity external things or internal things they They run up against our spiritual nature and how we react, how we process, affects the entirety of our vibration. If we witness an atrocity and we react and respond with love and compassion, no judgment, then we are able to maintain our highest frequency and vibration. Therefore, that life experience, the human experience, assisted us in our soul journey. If we react and respond to someone cutting us off, driving the car, we say, you effing idiot. We then put a gash in our vibration. We allow negative information from the quantum field because we are all entangled in this field.
My field is entangled with your field right now as we speak. I am entangling in your field. The information that is being shared is either being allowed into your field or not by you. You are the one that allows it in or not, just like negative news, just like anything else. So when we react and respond negatively, such as somebody cutting us off, then what have we done? We have entangled ourselves with an energy that is not conducive to our highest spiritual vibration. So purification is a constancy for someone on their spiritual journey. It is constant and never ending. And it can be just difficult, just so very, very difficult. And in the same breath, it doesn't have to be. It all depends on our level of presence, which is truly the word here, in that moment. If we are consistently present, then we become the observer. We become the, one of my earlier teachers called it the dweller on the threshold. The dweller on the threshold. Which I thought was just really cool, the verbiage. But basically we are the observer. versus the reactor, versus the one caught up in the emotion, the mental, whatever it might be. So purification is the constancy of choosing to be the observer and to react and respond in such a way where we create the least resistance and the greatest benefit to our soul journey. Or to have been taken over, which is what it feels like many times, by our emotions, by our mind. And in that particular moment, we harm our soul journey a little bit. I have a three and a half year old. that tends to have tantrums. And there is no logic to the tantrums. There is no amount of placating or words that can assist that tantrum.
It is just there. And I'm probably doing about 60-40. 60% of the time, I'm observing, I'm present, I'm processing through it and giving love and resolving. And about 40% of the time, I... get caught up in the energy and I react to respond in a manner that is not beneficial to my soul journey and clearly not to my daughter's soul journey. This is the nature of being a spiritual being and a human world. It is a constancy of presence. So we want to be aware. There is internal purification, there is external purification. And the internal purification is our own stuff. It's what we've accepted as truth, the way our mind operates, our emotional tolerances and intolerances. Just handling those alone are a lot. So if you put yourself out in the cave or in the woods and walked away from humanity, you would all of a sudden be miraculously able to manage your mind and your emotions because there's no external inputs. Hearing is also a massive, massive issue because as a spiritual being in the human world, we very often fail to be responsible for the external inputs. You and I, we actually have a lot of control of our external inputs. We can choose to turn off or not pick up the cell phone. We can choose to turn off the television or the other forms of media Rest assured, and I will cover this in future podcasts, rest assured there is dark and there is light. And the darkness is using all forms of your five senses to keep you in a space of separation from source. Because darkness survives on you being separate from the light. And it can accomplish that by creating in your environment through external sources anything that creates separation, segregation, anger, resentment, pointing of fingers, anything whatsoever that causes your emotions to get wired or your mind to get involved, then that negativity has succeeded. So far worse than our own internal dialogue is the external stuff because it tries to commandeer our five senses.
The person that is spiritually conscious and spiritually aware and awake sees that for exactly what it is. And they purposely and consciously try to minimize the amount of external input into their field and vibration. the five sense input and when they know they're going to have an input from let's say another human they consciously try to prepare themselves to be the observer the dweller on the threshold so that when that information comes even if it's blaming and finger pointing and yelling and comes with emotions whatever it is the dweller on the threshold the observer does not allow the five senses to be activated in such a way where it brings disharmony to their environment such as the enlightened journey it is as has been stated a very very difficult path and in this time in this 2000 year cycle that we are in that we are coming to the close of where the light is exposing the darkness there is a huge amount of effort to keep those that are unawake in that space and those that are awake to keep them from growing ultimately no one's going to do it except you You know, no one enlightened Jesus except Jesus. No one enlightened Buddha except Buddha. No one enlightened any enlightened being except their own efforts. Yes, they had teachers. Yes, they had beings that had walked that path before and guided them step up by step up. In my own very small fractional way, I'm trying to share with you some of those things that my teacher has taught me that you can do for yourself so that you can survive this most important time. What has been stated by many high level beings, and I'll restate, is that this This time is very, very unique. From chaos, heroes are created. That's the statement.
My teacher has said it, others have said it. From chaos, heroes are created. Instantly, hero invokes ego. But in this case, what it means is from chaos, awakened beings are created. Because an awakened being... is not a stand alone. We are all one. And one fully awakened being is like turning on a million light bulbs. It makes it so much easier for others in the entire planet to become more awakened when one being becomes fully awakened. And then others could become fully awakened and all of a sudden you get the hundredth monkey Theory occurring where all of a sudden you get a hundred enlightened beings and then the whole planet starts moving towards enlightenment much much faster We as a race now are in that kind of a threshold Where we have the most chaos? Because the most light is shining on our planet Which is exposing the darkness? Causing the darkness to be far more chaotic in our environment in our fields in our five senses so you have to be the steward of your field. You have to be the steward of your soul and your soul journey. You have to be the one that says no to that negative TV show or that violence. No to that person that always drains on your energy and complains about their life, the same life you've heard over and over and over and over and over. They just keep repeating. But you keep allowing that into your field, don't you? So you have to be the one that is the monitor of all external inputs and the monitor of your own mind and consciousness. So We all handle these kinds of conditions differently. Common solutions to mitigate the suffering that this purification brings, this awakening, this vacillation between anger and resentment and love and compassion and being on my spiritual journey and doing meditation and not doing meditation. We all have our solutions and they range from meditation, physical exercise. A lot of us, when we have stress, we go do physical exercise. Reading, taking illicit drugs, these help cover up some of the stresses. addictions, eating, right? A lot of us cover things up with eating. Spiritual practices, a lot of us default to spiritual practices. Talking to friends, talking to a psychologist, taking pharmaceutical drugs that the psychologist or psychiatrist gives us to help tamp down the depression or tamp down the anxiety from the stress. Why is there stress? Go back and listen to the previous 30 minutes, okay?
The spiritual journey is about choosing to react and respond in a way that is supportive of your most calm heart. And you are the one responsible for that, nobody else. and of course talking to the source you know talking to the source a lot of us do all over the world there are many different belief systems all of us talking to the source and yet we still eat sleep get up work eat sleep get up work talk to the source eat sleep get up work talk to the source and In that pattern, there is still not that much spiritual growth because there's not choices to become more aligned to that oneness. So this particular podcast is not designed to offer solutions. If you want the solutions, go to the previous nine series. I've been talking for over a year now, teaching all of Master Shah's wisdom one by one by one, physical, how to resolve physical with the wisdom of the Tao. Emotional, mental, spiritual, financial, relationship, I covered all that in the previous nine series in great detail. This series is real world application, real world observation, real world solutions. I'm going to in the next five or six podcasts, I'm going to go down the rabbit hole. I'm going to open up some thoughts and perspectives. I'll probably alienate some people. I'll probably cause people to go, I never thought about that. So I will be covering some things. And the purpose of those is to cause a wider comprehension. That's all. It's not an intention to have you believe anything that I believe or to buy into anything that I've witnessed because I'll just be sharing things that I witness.
As I stated in the beginning, some of you might have missed. It's my intention in this series to really expand our awakening, expand our consciousness. So I encourage you to return to my other podcasts. They'll be different than the previous year where I cover very specific topics. wisdom and techniques from Master Shah. It's going to be a little more personal experience, personal observation, and personal application of all the spiritual wisdom I've ever had so that you might get some value out of that with your soul journey. So thank you for coming today. I look forward to seeing you next week. And until then, have an awesome day, everybody. Bye-bye.