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Magnus. Hi Paul, good afternoon. For you actually, I think it's still morning, eh? It's 12 30, so we did hit the afternoon.
Okay, oh okay. I'm only an hour behind you now that I'm moving. Oh yeah, I thought it was the same as Portland at the time, yeah.
Okay. So, a little different, but I actually like this time zone. It's easier to keep up with math for sure.
I get to sleep at home, you know, there's some benefits. So you like, you like Oakland better now, eh? Yeah, I do like this area better. And your daughter too seems to be happy there.
She has more friends, eh? She's comfortable, she's at the age where she can talk to friends. We're at a neighborhood where there's other kids for her to play with, so yeah, there's a lot of pluses that come with it. Oh, that's good, that's good, yeah.
I'm happy to tell you, I got certified as a social communicator. Just one week after you checked for me, I got the letter. Oh, I was so happy.
I was in the hotel lobby waiting for my sister when I saw that. I nearly bowed down in the lobby. That was great.
Yeah, yeah. Thank you for checking. It was really, really, very, how do you say that? I was really in some ways worried because I wasn't comfortable.
But then, and quite a few people didn't get it right away, eh? But then what is good with them, they are doing a private, not a coaching, a group coaching for the people who didn't pass, which is very nice, you know? And some people didn't go to do it. But I'm very, I was so happy. Thank you for having checked for me and giving me the reassurance, you know? Yeah, Heaven's amazing.
They borrow my channels and I'm always surprised how often it's accurate. Yeah, yeah. I was thinking, I said, oh, I want to be like you.
You flow like water. Yeah, you flow like water. And then no, no, nothing.
And I saw that you gave some podcasts about it. And I apologize. I never went through it to see, but it looked very interesting, you know? Yeah.
The podcast has been going on a year. I'm talking about all kinds of different, you know, healing related subjects. But after 10 seasons, I decided to expand a little bit.
Oh, yeah, yeah. You're very good. It's, yeah.
Actually, now today, my question is, actually, it's not really for me, but then sometimes I'm seeing, Master Chai is so generous, but then he has so many, so many treasures. Now I cannot keep up, you know, because everything is so interesting. I want to take everything.
And you know, you remember in the AXL, he had given only the AXL people to apply for prevention, and then they would tell you which three areas is going to be, you have to focus on if you can take it. Yeah, I remember that. Yeah, and now and then he comes with the tau light transmission, and he recommends everybody to take the seven organs at least, you know, and I did take it.
And do you think, but I'm actually, I'm not sure whether I should really go with the, of course, the other one is very much, it's karma cleansing too, you know, and, and I even asked for my husband, pardon me? Talking about the crown chakra blessing now? Yeah, the crown, yeah, the crown chakra blessing, yeah, I got to, and yeah, yeah, maybe, can you do a flow for me for, to see what, what really happened? Sure. Yeah, thank you. You want me to do that now? Yeah, if you can, yeah, if you know, yeah.
Can you please return to the day where Agnes received the Kuan Yin crown chakra blessing through the special heart sutra opportunities made available, where she had the seven light treasures and possibility of crown chakra blessing. Please offer whatever information is appropriate at this time for Agnes to hear regarding the benefits of that blessing. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Hello, this is Yanguan Ye. For you, my beloved Agnes, your teacher is most keen on assisting his high-level students to become fully enlightened beings, immortals if possible. Towards that end, he has and continues to create avenues through which your light body can be developed, your ability to reach calm can be enhanced, and your blockages of all time can be reversed.
This special blessing was much more than advertised. Yes, Kuan Yin was present, and yes, many immortals were present. This blessing was significant for your soul journey.
There were significant lifetimes, both yours and ancestors, mostly yours, where there was great stiffness related to the belief systems that you both believed in and espoused to others. Your lack of flexibility, both in your own learning and in the requirements of those that you taught, caused many to have stiffness in their soul journey as well, thereby expanding the length of time that they would need to achieve higher layers of enlightenment. Much of this was old memories, mindsets, and beliefs.
There was, of course, tremendous shift that occurred for your heart chakra. There was fears that were released from your water element vibrations. There was also wartime grief and sadness that, if left unattended in your vibration, could have triggered what potentially could have been insurmountable grief and the early taking of your life that would have been dependent on other factors, but it was heavy enough to have contributed to that.
There was some blockage in and around your feet and ankles that, if left unattended, would have caused you to trip and fall, breaking parts of the left side of your body, arm, wrist, and such, and even damaging the left side of your head, creating the possibility of blood clot, which could have eventually led to an aneurysm. All of this was released, life-saving, spiritual journey-saving. This is some of the information that can be shared at this time.
This is Yang Wangye. Wow. That was something.
It's true. It's really, yeah, thank you for checking for me again. As usual, really, I know it was something very, very, very, very powerful that happened, but I didn't know to which extent it was, and talking about the stiffness of, you know, the beliefs and whatever.
But in this lifetime, I find that I am actually maybe sometimes criticizing other people who are too stiff in their belief systems. It didn't happen before, but then since I joined Master Shah, because I have people who are my friends who are Catholics like me, but then they don't want to hear about Master Shah. They think it's a sect or some cult, and then I get annoyed with them for being, how do we say that, for being so strict.
They only say Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ. I say, yeah, you still believe it, but then they don't want, they don't understand the calligraphy, and they think it's something a bit like voodoo or whatever, you know. So, yeah, let's really insist on that.
I let them, I let them open their heart if they have to. And actually a friend of mine who had been, she had been critical of Master Shah when she was there. She made fun of his accent, but she's more open now.
She loves to listen to him talk or sing now. Before, no, she said, oh, he has an accent and whatever. So, you see, things are changing, yeah, which is good.
People can open up, people can change. Yeah, that's true, yeah. But you know that Master Shah was also offering only for the students the possibility of the first soul house.
Yeah. I got it for myself, but now he's opening it for loved ones. But I have so many loved ones.
I didn't know that. So, loved ones. Yeah, he did.
And actually, recently they sent an email, and I questioned it because they said it's open to loved ones, and yet when they gave the link, they said no loved ones. So, I checked with the customer service. They said, no, it's open.
They changed it. If you want, I can send it to you if you, the letter. They have a new link with loved ones, but it's only until Sunday.
Okay. If you could forward that to me, that would be great. Oh, yeah, yeah, I will, I will.
But I had to write, and then they are all overwhelmed, I guess, you know. I think I should work with customer service, too, because, you know, I find that time, but I asked the questions, and that I actually, for the first one, I asked Francisco. He was supposed to send the email, and then he said, no, they changed their mind last week.
And now they said it's open for the loved ones. Then that's when, and then I checked their link, and they said, no, no loved ones. So, I asked them, I asked customer service, and then they checked.
They said, thank you for letting us know, and they changed it, which is, I will send it to you when, as soon as. All your fault. That's why I wanted to, because I have so many loved ones, I must get it for everybody.
Who would you recommend to, for me to buy in, like, to, actually, for me, my feeling, I have to get it for my granddaughters and my daughter. Um, yeah. I hear, yes, that would be very good.
It would help them, and it's better, especially with the first show house. If I could, for the, for the, for the guys, or whatever, but I'm not sure, you know. Because, this one, they only give until the 23rd.
It's not, like, immune system, you can have it in the other places, you know. Right, yeah, no, this one is special, no doubt about it. Yeah, yeah.
But what is actually the, the significance of, I know, first show house is that's what Master Shah said, it's. What's the significance of the first soul house, is that what you're asking? Yeah. It's, it's where the Huiyin acupuncture point is, and that's, that's the Yin gathering point for all the Yin vibration of Mother Earth.
Okay. So, it's very, very important. Also, the first chakra is the, it's the root chakra, it's the largest wheel, if you will.
So, if you look at a Swiss clock, and they have the big wheel, right, the big, and that's what makes all the other gears work better. Oh, okay. And the first chakra is strong, the other gears up the channel, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and so on.
All of them are going to work much better. Also, Chi goes through the body, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, down the back, right. But if there's insufficient Chi down at the bottom, it can't pull it down the back, and it can't push it up.
Yeah, okay. Yeah, that's, yeah, that's what, he, he, you know Master Chi, he, he explains, and then, anyway, if it, if he's giving it very, he's not giving it very, the opportunity for everybody to have it, it is very important, you know. And, yeah, and the other thing, also from my daughter, the other day, I was talking to her, and she, she, she didn't want to tell me, she said, can you give me a blessing? And I did, and apparently now she's having a lot of bleeding in the, vaginal bleeding, even after her period.
And, and I said, maybe also you should get the, the touch the button uterus. But she said, oh, but it's not my uterus, my uterus is fine. But it's all related, don't you think? What's your daughter's first name? Jennifer Choling.
Yeah, I get, I get actually that it's actually originating from the uterus. Okay. And then I can also, maybe also tell her to, when she, when there is the, the healing days of Master Chan, maybe to take some, the Tao Light manifestation on a reproductive system or? Well, it allows body parts, it does allow systems, and certainly reproductive system is not a small thing.
Has she ever had any reproductive issues? I'm not sure. And the thing is, is the thing when, when she's saying she, even after her period, she's bleeding a lot. And then she had the doctors are giving her some pills.
It's, it's reduced, but not, it didn't stop completely. And they want her to go for more tests. Yeah, I think that it would be good for her to get it for the uterus, you know, the blessing, and then she can get a sole operation for the condition of the, right.
Oh, that's a good idea. Yeah. Okay.
Uterus is like an, a body part. Yeah. Yeah.
Oh, so it's good to talk to you, you know, to, to get your, your, your, your advice on these things, you know, and I wanted to ask you, you remember last time you did the crown chakra blessing for Sophia, and you had recommended to me to do a lot of forgiveness practice at least 15 minutes. And I've been trying to do it as, as how do we say that as much as I can. Can you maybe check if it is, I'm doing it the right way? Remind me what the forgiveness practice was for.
It was, I think she had done a lot of, you know, bad things about, I think you had, you had told me that she had committed a lot of things against women, or like, maybe, I don't know, it was sexual or something, and she herself, she could have become pregnant at a very young age. Okay. I mean, it is having an effect.
You know, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, I'm hearing about 22%. It's having an effect of around 22%. But it's something to keep in mind, she probably will need additional blessings to help make sure that stays out of her vibration.
Yeah. Okay. What kind of blessings you.
Yeah, basically, it would be for the same request, you know, blessings to, to, to create and cause forgiveness for the mistakes made, especially those related to sexual mistakes. Okay. Okay.
Previous lifetimes. Did we do the the Yin Yang Fa Qi blessing for her last time? You did, and then you also even give a crown chakra blessing level two for Quan Yin. Yeah, because when I was checking, I heard, I heard it needs to be a higher level blessings.
I wasn't sure. Let me see. Offer a message regarding Sophia.
Additional blessings. Hmm. This is Quan Yin.
It is an honor to offer this service to your granddaughter. She truly is a good, beautiful soul. Though you came during this year to be the servant that she carries in her heart.
She has efforted to be in my lineage in more than one way, but had not achieved that. She is aware, at the soul level, of the mistakes, several hundred years old mistakes that have been made. And she knows, at the level of soul, that if these are not forgiven, there will be great suffering.
When I offered the previous blessing, I was not allowed to do more because of the lack of forgiveness. Now that you have done much forgiveness on her behalf, there is approximately 45% more that I would be allowed to affect. There would then need to be more forgiveness, and then I would be able to affect more.
The question to me was, how many times will it be needed? And the answer is, it is dependent upon our Source and the effectiveness of the follow-up forgiveness practices, along the course of the next one she receives. I hope this is clear. This is quantum.
Okay. So, in a sense, from what I understand, she needs more Crown Chakra blessings, the level 2, with you. Yes.
And more forgiveness, again, and then, okay. And then she has to be getting it. Yeah, which she has to be getting, yeah.
In the meantime, too, me too, I'm giving her the Crown Chakra blessing level 1, but I only gave her 2. Maybe this is helping also with the forgiveness. That could definitely help, yes, especially if you lead with more forgiveness. The reason why it's having difficulty to have effect is because it's pretty high level.
That's why the level 2 is recommended, because it gets very close to the top. Yeah, okay. Actually, last time it happened, you had said it cleared most of it, but then the remainder was going to be through forgiveness practice.
But then, I guess, it's which she needs more, which is, I understand, yeah. Okay. If I do it today, this Crown Chakra for her, can I pay a bit later so that it can be used in my next card bill, actually in 2-3 days? Yeah, that's fine.
Yeah? How much was it? I can't remember the first time. The level 2 is 700 US, but for you it's 700 Canadian, because the difference in currency. Okay.
Oh, it's 700 US? Oh, and then when you get the 30% off for the current. Yeah, yeah, okay. Okay, so I... Actually, that's less, and you can't really... I can't really announce it, because Master Shah has asked us to charge 1,000.
Yeah, yeah, I think you told me last time too, yeah. I'm kind of keeping it where it's at, just because I don't know if we can do that. Yeah.
Okay, if I could have it, and then I will pay you when you send me the invoice, and I could... Okay. Okay. Sophia... Last name? Chong Lim, C-H-U-N-G-L-I-M.
Okay, Chong Lim. Okay. Dear Beloved Kuan Yin, of age of 87 years old.
I would ask momentarily for a Kuan Yin level 2 Crown Chakra blessing on behalf of Sophia Chong Lim, granddaughter of our Beloved Agnes. You'd be grateful for the opportunity to transmit this blessing. The soul of Sophia Chong Lim, please come, and the soul of Sophia's ancestors, please come.
Please repeat this forgiveness practice from your heart. Dear humanity, dear all souls, my name is... State your name three times silently. I wish to, from my heart, sincerely, deeply apologize for the mistakes made in this lifetime, and all lifetimes, where you have been harmed sexually, misuse of sexuality, and misuse of your bodies.
There is no excuse. There is no... Nothing I can say that can validate any thought, word, or action that I or my ancestors have ever done, that has brought harm to you, can be validated. I just simply wish you to know how deeply, deeply sorry I am for my mistakes and those of my ancestors, and I humbly ask you to receive this virtue, to assist in your sojourn, and in my sojourn, for I wish to be a better servant to humanity, and it is not so easy to be a better servant when I am suffering because of my mistakes.
Please open your heart, know that lessons have been learned. There will be...
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