The Healing Source

The Healing Source

Hosted by: Paul Fletcher

Tao healing is Source healing. All challenges in life are due to negative information, energy and matter that accumulates in your vibrational field. All success is due to positive accumulation. The secret that...


Exploring Enlightenment within our Quantumly Entangled Universe

Season #12

Exploring Enlightenment within our Quantumly Entangled Universe. In this podcast i explain each aspect of these two unique understanding and then share with you how to blend and meld the two utilizing Tao wisdom....
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Universal Threads The Science and Mystery of Cosmic Entanglement

Season #12

In this Episode. I focus on understanding 2 proven quantum anomalies, and their relation to us, our manifestation, out choices, and our entanglements. When understood and applied you will be empowered in how to change...
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Understanding the nature of a Quantumly Entangled Life

Season #12

When you think, speak or act, you entangle yourself with life all around you. Is that entanglement positive or negative, Does that entanglement entend your life and shorten it. Will it bring more joy or less success. ...
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