Season 2
Tao Healing for balancing emotions
Emotions can be positive or negative. Negative emotions have a source. Negative emotions enter our souls vibration and can create problems in our daily lives. In this episode I share with your Tao wisdom to understand...
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Tao healing for the emotion of anger
Ancient wisdom is that anger burns your virtue forest. This means that when we express anger we throw away the Positive energy we have been trying to build up. There is also association of anger with the wood element,...
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Tao Healing for the emotions of Grief and Sadness
Grief and Sadness is often misunderstood. Often the person who has this emotional imbalance might think its depression. Greif and Sadness are related to the metal element. This imbalance also effects lungs, large...
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Tao healing for the emotion of Fear
Fear can debilitate the strongest amongst us. Sometimes the origin is definable but many times it evades us. Fear can hide within our soul vibration and invade our life like a bad smell. Tao healing is a solution. Tao...
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Tao healing with 3 different types of forgiveness
There are three key forgiveness practices in Tao healing . Offering forgiveness, Asking forgiveness and self-forgiveness. Each one releases hidden harmful emotional triggers. The healing that can occur when these...
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The Importance of Forgiveness
If you want to heal, then forgiveness to self and others is immeasurably important. The root cause of our life challenges is directly related to the negative thoughts, words and actions we have had towards others....
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Tao healing – The 5 elements and its connection to emotions
The 5 elements are a universal law of healing. Most known as a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) approach to wellness. In this Podcast, I share the associations of this wisdom and your emotions. Tao healing is better...
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What is the root cause of emotional imbalance
In this new Series the purpose is to understanding what is the root cause of emotional imbalances. Most people believe that the root is outside sources or internal mind based dialogue. The root cause however is much...
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