Season 8
The Shen Channel: The Sacred Wisdom of the Immortality Channel
The Shen Channel is the key to Immortality. This channel was a highly kept secret until recently. Practicing the sacred mantra and meditation associated with this channel has the potential of elevating your soul...
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The Jing Channel - The Spiritual Source of Rejuvenation
The Jing Channel is also known as the "Rejuvenation" channel. This channel has a uniquely different pathway than the Chi Channel that was taught last week. When you learn and practice with this channel you have the...
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The Chi Channel: The Energy Channel for the Spiritual Body
The Chi Channel Is the Spiritual Energy Channel for the human body. This channel includes all 7 and the Wai Jaio down the back of the body. Most people experience blockages in-between each chakra and of course down...
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San Jiao & Wai Jiao - The Spaces of the Spiritual Body
The San Jiao represent the three spaces in the body. The lower, middle and upper Jiao are equally important. Each spaces houses important organs, systems and energy centers. When these spaces are clear, the chi can...
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Chakra #7 - The Crown Chakra - The Power & Significance of the Chakra System
The Crown or seventh chakra is the capstone of enlightenment. When a person has developed their soul journey to such a degree that their soul resides above the crown, then they no longer need to live here n earth....
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Chakra #6 - The Third Eye Center - The Power & Significance of the Chakra System
The Six Chakra is also known as the Third Eye Center. This Chakra is far more related to high level spiritual wisdom. In this episode you will understand the significance of the 6th chakra for brain health, spiritual...
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Chakra #5 - The Throat Center - The Power & Significance of the Chakra System
Little is understood about the throat chakra. It is is great importance to the heart and mind connection and of course it is directly associated with challenges of the throat, thyroid, esophogous, and vocal cords....
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Chakra #4 - The Message Center - The Power & Significance of the Chakra System
The Heart Chakra (message center) is easily the most important chakra in the human body. This chakra effects every aspect of our physical, emotional mental bodies. The heart chakra is susceptible to damage from...
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Chakra #3 - The Solar Plexus - The Power & Significance of the Chakra System
The 3rd Chakra is often called the Solar Plexus. This chakra has a direct effect on the Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Spleen, Stomach, Large and Small Intestines and the Kidneys. And that's just the beginning. ...
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Chakra #2 - The Sacral Chakra - The Power & Significance of the Chakra System for Health
The Second Chakra is actually one of the least appreciated and yet most powerful of the seven. his chakra has direct associations with the wellness of the bladder, small intestine, reproductive functions and lower...
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Chakra #1 - The Root Chakra - The Power & Significance of the Chakra System for Health and Wellness
The Root Chakra is a key to empowering the other 6 chakras. It is connected to mother earth and is the YIN powerhouse chakra. When the root chakra is empowered wellness is much easier to attain. Learn all about the...
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Understanding Chakras The Power & Significance of the Chakra System for Health and Wellness
Chakras, are one of the most important, yet least understood aspects of you as a person. In this introduction I explain how interconnected the chakras and the human body are. I explain that when your chakras are...
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