The Tao of the creation & manifestation of wealth and success Jun 08, 2023

The Tao of Living a Life of Successful Manifestation Practices


Welcome back to The Healing Source podcast, a transformative journey into the teachings of the Tao for creating a life of abundance and success. In this session, we delve deeper into the nature of creation and reverse creation, gaining profound insights into how this understanding can enhance our manifestation abilities...

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7 spiritual practices for financial success May 26, 2023

7 Spiritual Practices for Financial Success

Hello and welcome to today's podcast on "The Healing Source." I'm your host, Paul Fletcher. Today, we'll explore the wisdom of Tao healing and its positive impact on success and finances. Tao Healing transcends the physical realm, reaching into emotions, mental blockages, and beyond. This approach acknowledges that our success or failure is influenced...

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How to Open Your Heart Again and Attract Healthy Relationships May 10, 2023

How to Open Your Heart Again and Attract Healthy Relationships


Welcome to The Healing Source podcast series, where we delve into the transformative power of healing relationships and opening our hearts once more. In this eighth episode of series four, we will recap the essential steps to heal emotional pain, improve communication, and attract healthy, fulfilling relationships.


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Understanding Soul to Soul forgiveness in Relationships Apr 20, 2023

Understanding Soul to Soul Forgiveness in Relationships

Welcome to The Healing Source, a podcast dedicated to bringing healing to relationships. In this special episode, we delve into the concept of soul-to-soul forgiveness in relationships. Relationships are unique connections between two souls, and understanding this aspect is crucial for healing and growth. We'll explore the power of...

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All Relationship are quantumly entangled Apr 12, 2023

Understanding Quantum Entanglement and Healing Relationships with Tao Wisdom

Hello, everyone! I am Paul Fletcher, your host of The Healing Source. Today, I want to delve into the fascinating world of Tao Healing and its profound impact on transforming our lives. Tao Healing, a profound form of healing introduced by Dr. and Master Sha, has the power to release and transform negativity in various...

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You are Soul having a Relationship with another Soul Mar 31, 2023

Understanding Soul Connections in Relationships


Welcome to an exploration of the profound concept that every soul has a relationship and every relationship has a soul. In this special series on relationships, we delve into the wisdom of the Soul and how it can transform our connections with others. By understanding the significance of soul connections, we can heal and enhance our...

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Why does the same relationship issues keep happening to me Mar 28, 2023

Why Does the Same Relationship Issues Keep Happening to Me?

Welcome to The Healing Source Podcast

By Paul Fletcher

Welcome to The Healing Source, the podcast that delves into the depths of relationships and the root causes of recurring issues. I'm your host, Paul Fletcher, and in this episode, we'll explore the question: "Why does the same relationship issues keep happening to me?"


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Why do Relationships Fail? What is the Root Cause of Relationship Failure? Mar 23, 2023

Why Do Relationships Fail? Unveiling the Root Cause of Relationship Failure

Welcome back to my newest podcast, where we are now moving into series number four. I'm excited to dive into the topic of "Tao Healing for Relationships" because relationships are an integral part of our lives. In this series, we will explore the significance of harmonious relationships and how they contribute to our...

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Tao Healing for Ego and Attachments: Transforming the Path to Inner Freedom Mar 02, 2023

Tao Healing for Ego and Attachments: Transforming the Path to Inner Freedom

Well, Aloha, everybody! Welcome and thank you for coming to today’s podcast. My name is Paul Fletcher and this is The Healing Source.


In today’s episode, which, by the way, it is the 22nd of February 2023, we’re going to be talking about Tao Healing for Ego and Attachments. This is going...

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Tao Healing for Negative Thinking: Transform Mindsets to Inner Freedom Feb 22, 2023

Tao Healing for Negative Thinking: Transforming Mindsets for Inner Freedom

Introduction: Welcome to The Healing Source podcast! I'm Paul Fletcher, and today we continue our journey through Tao Healing for the mental body, focusing on the powerful approach to negative thinking. If you find yourself constantly battling negative thoughts, you're in the right place. Let's explore the root causes of...

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Tao Healing Approach for Stress Management: Embrace Harmony and Let Go Feb 15, 2023

Tao Healing Approach for Stress Management: Embrace Harmony and Let Go

Welcome to "The Healing Source" podcast! In this series, we delve into Tao Healing for the mental body, focusing on transforming negative thinking and managing stress through Tao Healing practices.

Understanding Stress and Its Origins

Stress has become an unavoidable part of modern life, especially in today's fast-paced and...

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Unveiling the Profound Mind-Soul Connection for Healing and Transformation Jan 30, 2023

Title: Unveiling the Profound Mind-Soul Connection for Healing and Transformation

Welcome, everyone! Delighted to be here with you today, on January 25th, 2023, as we embark on an enlightening journey in the third installment of our series: Tao Healing for the Mind. Together, we'll explore the interwoven relationship between the mind and the soul and its far-reaching implications on our...

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