Harnessing the Power of the Second Chakra for Optimal Health and Well-being Dec 06, 2023


Harnessing the Power of the Second Chakra for Optimal Health and Well-being

Harnessing the Power of the Second Chakra for Optimal Health and Well-being


Welcome to The Healing Source, where we explore the transformative power of the chakra system for enhanced health and wellness. In this article, we will delve into the significance of the second chakra, emphasizing its...

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Exploring the Power and Significance of the 1st Chakra - The Root Chakra Nov 23, 2023



Welcome to The Healing Source, where we delve into the nature, power, and significance of the chakras and their impact on our health and wellness. In this series, we aim to understand the wisdom behind the chakras and how they can transform our lives. Join us on this journey as we explore each chakra in detail, starting with the first chakra, also known as the root chakra.

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Awakening the Inner Light: Harnessing the Power of Da Guang Ming for Transformation and Manifestation Sep 14, 2023

In this episode of The Healing Source, we delve into the fourth quality in the series of ten profound attributes. Da Guang Ming, known as the greatest light, takes center stage as we explore its transformative power. Throughout the series, we have been uncovering the essence of these qualities, starting with Da Ai, the greatest love, followed by Da Kuan Shu, the greatest forgiveness, and Da Ci...

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The Power of Self-Forgiveness, Offering Forgiveness, and Asking Forgiveness: A Journey to Healing Aug 31, 2023

The Power of Self-Forgiveness, Offering Forgiveness, and Asking Forgiveness: A Journey to Healing

Welcome to The Healing Source with Paul Fletcher, where we embark on a ten-part series exploring the Ten Da - the ten greatest qualities that make us human. In this episode, we delve into Da Kuan Shu, the greatest forgiveness. Through the teachings of Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, we discover the...

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Embracing Ten Da: The Power of Love & Transformation Aug 24, 2023

Embracing the Ten Greatest Qualities in Life: The Ten Da

Welcome, everyone, to The Healing Source podcast. I'm Paul Fletcher, and today marks the beginning of an exciting new series—the Ten Da. Over the next ten episodes, we will explore the ten greatest qualities that define a fulfilling life. These qualities, originating from the teachings of my revered teacher, Dr. and Master Ji Gong...

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The Tao of Living a life of Successful Manifestation Practices Jul 30, 2023

The Tao of Living a Life of Successful Manifestation Practices


In the pursuit of a fulfilling life, the art of successful manifestation plays a pivotal role. Paul Santisi, a renowned manifestation expert, offers invaluable insights into mastering the principles of manifestation. By aligning with higher dimensions, embracing the present moment, and cultivating a positive mindset,...

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Tao Healing for Balancing Emotions: Unveiling the Power of Source Healing Jul 30, 2023

Tao Healing for Balancing Emotions: Unveiling the Power of Source Healing

Hey, welcome everybody! Delighted to be with you again today on "The Healing Source" podcast. This is Paul Fletcher, and we are diving into the profound world of Tao Healing. If you missed it, the first series was all about healing the physical body. Today's episode marks the conclusion of our second series, focusing on...

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The Fire Element - Exploring Balance and Healing Jul 27, 2023

The Fire Element - Exploring Balance and Healing


In this episode of "The Healing Source" podcast, host Paul Fletcher delves into the significance of the fire element in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). He explores how the five elements - wood, fire, earth, metal, and water - relate to each other and affect our overall health and well-being.

Understanding the Fire Element:

  • The...
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The Wood Element: Exploring the Five Element Series Jul 20, 2023

The Wood Element: Exploring the Five Element Series


Welcome back to The Healing Source! I am Paul Fletcher, and today we embark on a new journey as we delve into the Five Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Over the past weeks, we covered Tao healing for various aspects of life, including physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, relationships, and finances. Now, we will...

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How our definitions of life determined our manifestations & success Jul 06, 2023

How Our Definitions of Life Determine Our Manifestations & Success


Welcome to "The Healing Source" podcast. In this episode, we will explore the crucial connection between our definitions of life and how they profoundly influence our manifestations and success. Understanding the impact of our perceptions is essential for creating a life of abundance and fulfillment.


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The past and its effects on your manifestations Jun 15, 2023

The Tao of Living a Life of Successful Manifestation Practices


In this article, we will explore the wisdom of Tao healing and how it can help us lead a life of successful manifestation practices. Tao healing teaches us that we are souls having a physical experience and that our choices, both positive and negative, affect our soul journey and manifest in our lives.

The Power of...

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The Tao of the creation & manifestation of wealth and success Jun 08, 2023

The Tao of Living a Life of Successful Manifestation Practices


Welcome back to The Healing Source podcast, a transformative journey into the teachings of the Tao for creating a life of abundance and success. In this session, we delve deeper into the nature of creation and reverse creation, gaining profound insights into how this understanding can enhance our manifestation abilities...

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